Not only PTI workers, now journalists are also being sent to jail by Pakistani police

Pakistan News: In the midst of economic crisis, the political crisis in Pakistan is also deepening. There was a lot of violence and arson last month after the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in a corruption case. Activists and supporters of Imran’s party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) also attacked sensitive military installations at many places in the country.

Since the violent incidents of May 9, the Pakistan Army and the Pakistani Police have been arresting Imran’s supporters. Simultaneously, the leaders of Imran’s party are also being picked up. Even cases have been registered against journalists for inciting attacks on military installations. According to Pakistani media reports, a case has been registered against anchor Sabir Shakir, Moeed Peerzada and another person at the Abpara police station there.

Journalists accused of inciting protesters
In the Pakistani police FIR, a complainant alleged that news anchors Sabir Shakir and Moeed Pirzada had incited people to incite violence on 9 May. According to the complainant, he was present at Melody Chowk on May 9, so he had seen the whole incident. He saw Shakir, Peerzada and Syed Akbar Hussain inciting the crowd. The complainant said that they were instigating the two protesters to attack military installations, spread terror and create anarchy in the country. Let us tell you that earlier this week also an FIR was registered, in which a case was registered against journalists Shaheen Sehbai and Wajahat Saeed Khan.

Read also: Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan said- ‘Punjab police looting the houses of my colleagues has crossed all limits of cowardice’

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