This plan of PM Modi and Joe Biden is going to give sleepless nights to ‘Dragon’

Indian PM Modi on CPEC-BRI: China is trying to establish its dominance in many countries under its various projects. In this, the China-Pakistan-Economic-Corridor (CPEC) can be seen as one of the biggest examples. Keeping this in mind, India has intensified its diplomatic efforts to counter the increasing illegal activities of China.

The China-Pakistan-Economic-Corridor (CPEC) is also a major part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Keeping this in mind, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi will hold talks with President Joe Biden on an effective way to deal with China’s growing scope on the upcoming US tour.

G7 countries plan on China’s expansionist policy
prime minister of India Narendra Modi Will go on a tour of America from 21 to 24 June. According to the report of The Sunday Guardian, PM Modi will talk on concrete issues with Joe Biden. In the recent G7 meeting held in Hiroshima, Japan, the leaders of the participating countries had pushed to counter China’s multi-million dollar Belt and Road Initiative.

The Sunday Guardian quoted sources as saying that the G7 is headed by US President Biden himself, so the Indian Prime Minister would be interested to know about the planning done for the Belt and Road Initiative.

China’s move against India
China has always been concerned about how it can surround India. For this, under the Belt and Road Project, he is trapping the poor countries of the world by giving loans on his behalf. This includes Afghanistan, Pakistan. Apart from this, China has also given loan to Sri Lanka and captured its port, due to which it has come even closer to India’s coastal area.

Recently, China had brought one of its spy ship Yuan Wang-5 to Sri Lanka’s Hambantota. With this, he could keep an eye on every major activity happening in the Indian Ocean and South India.

read this also:Pakistan Hina Rabbani Khar: ‘It is difficult for Pakistan to choose between America and China’, why Hina Rabbani Khar said this, know

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