Former PM’s son praises PM Modi for renaming Nehru Museum

Neeraj Shekhar On Nehru Memorial Renaming: Neeraj Shekhar, son of former Prime Minister Chandrashekhar and Rajya Sabha MP from BJP, has praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the issue of renaming the Nehru Museum, while on the other hand, he has made a scathing attack on the Congress, terming it as dynastic. Neeraj Shekhar targeted Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge while sharing a tweet.

On Friday (June 16), the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library Society, located in the Teen Murti Bhawan complex in Delhi, was renamed as ‘Prime Minister’s Museum and Library Society’. The Congress is criticizing this move of the government. The Congress is being answered by the BJP leaders.

Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge attacked

On Friday, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge had tweeted, “Those who have no history, have gone to erase the history of others! The personality of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the architect of modern India and the fearless guardian of democracy, cannot be diminished by the nefarious attempt to rename the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.

He further wrote, “This only shows the low mentality and dictatorial attitude of BJP-RSS. The dwarf thinking of the Modi government cannot reduce the enormous contribution of ‘Jawahar of Hind’ towards India!

BJP MP Neeraj Shekhar’s reply to Congress

Sharing the tweet of Congress Adhyas, Neeraj Shekhar retaliated in a long thread. He wrote, “My father, former Prime Minister Chandrashekhar always worked for the national interest. He also worked with Congress but they (Congress) never looked beyond one dynasty. Now when Prime Minister Narendra Modi honored the Prime Ministers of all the parties, the Congress is getting excited. This is a terrible attitude.

Rajya Sabha MP Neeraj Shekhar further wrote, “I want to ask all the Congress leaders – how many times have they even been to the Prime Minister’s Museum? Have Sonia ji or Rahul ji ever been there? Their inability to accept the fact that people beyond one lineage have built our nation is perverse and deserves unequivocal condemnation.

Neeraj Shekhar praised Prime Minister Modi

Neeraj Shekhar further wrote, “Let alone respecting the Prime Ministers, the Congress and its royal dynasty have insulted those Prime Ministers who are not of their dynasty.” The treatment of Narasimha Rao ji will go down as one of the most shameful chapters in our political history.

Neeraj Shekhar wrote, “Regardless of the party line, every PM has got honor and respect in the Prime Minister’s Museum. His contribution has been highlighted. this prime minister Narendra Modi Shows the politics of.

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