Who was Daniel who leaked 7000 documents of America, exposed the plan of attack on China

Pentagon Papers Whistleblower: You have heard the name of Daniel Ellsberg, he has passed away at the age of 92. Daniel Ellsberg was the person who was called the most dangerous man in America. He had leaked thousands of intelligence papers of the Pentagon. Big lies of America were exposed from those papers and many conspiracies were exposed.

According to The New York Times report, Daniel Ellsberg had cancer. He previously worked as a military analyst-researcher. While working as a military analyst in a private company, he had leaked 7000 intelligence papers of the US Defense Ministry Pentagon. He was posted in South Vietnam when the papers were leaked. The documents leaked by him contained important information related to the war, due to whose revelations the then President Richard Nixon had to resign in 1974.

breathed his last in Kensington, California
Daniel Ellsberg was living in his old age at his residence in Kensington, California. From there yesterday, late Friday night, his family informed about Daniel’s death. According to a BBC report, Daniels’ revelations led to a conflict between the Nixon Administration and The New York Times, which first published classified Vietnam War reports from the Pentagon Papers. Later the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of freedom of the press. Actually, the Pentagon Papers exposed the role of the US government in the Vietnam War. In this case, the government of former President Richard Nixon tried to stop a news in the New York Times, however, the news was published and there was panic.

Henry Kissinger called Ellsberg a dangerous man
Daniel Ellsberg had also leaked the plan of America, in which information about the plan of nuclear attack on China was known. After this, the then US National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger called Ellsberg a dangerous man. In 1971, Ellsberg was indicted in federal court in Los Angeles on charges of theft, espionage, conspiracy, and other counts. However, the judge dismissed the case before the jury could reach a verdict.

Read also: Pentagon Leak: America already knew about China’s spy balloons! Big disclosure from the leaked secret documents of the Pentagon

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