Women journalists are not getting permission to attend press conference in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Press: The condition of women in Afghanistan is very bad since the Taliban took over. In the coming days, strict rules and laws are being made regarding women. Meanwhile, now a shocking revelation has come about the women journalists of Afghanistan. According to the report of Tolo News, many times women journalists are allowed to participate in the press conferences organized by the Taliban here.

Tolo News is an Afghan news channel broadcast from Kabul. In conversation with this, women journalists of Afghanistan have claimed that they have not been allowed to attend press conferences organized by the Taliban several times. He has been banned on several occasions. Some women journalists said that they are sometimes barred from attending press conferences organized by government institutions.

Women journalists were thrown out of the press conference

Afghani female journalist Nilab Noori said in a conversation with TOLO News that it is sad that we were thrown out of the press conference in which we participated. I want to request the government that women should be allowed to participate in every field so that they can work with their brothers. Another Afghan woman, Fatana Bayat, told TOLO News that she was prevented from reporting on some demonstrations.

Taliban spokesperson clarified

Abdul Kadim Weir, head of the Committee to Protect Afghan Journalists, said it was an attack on press freedom. There should be no discrimination between women and men in the field of journalism. According to Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid on this matter, there is no restriction on women journalists to work in the media according to Islamic law. Mujahid said the media law has been sent to the Taliban leader for approval, but nothing has been said about stopping the work of women journalists.

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