China stunned by PM Modi’s visit to America, said- India cannot beat us in supply chain

China on PM Modi US visit: Prime Minister Narendra Modi China has become enraged due to America’s visit. It has been said on behalf of China that America (US) is strengthening its relations with India because it wants to move forward by stopping China’s economic development. China’s top diplomat and former foreign minister Wang Yi said, “We are telling that America’s strategy will fail, because India or any other country in the global supply chain will not leave China behind.” Can.”

Wang Yi’s article has been published in the Global Times, considered the mouthpiece of the ruling Communist Party of China. In which India has been warned to stay away from America in a threatening tone. Wang Yi wrote- India should avoid the geopolitical manipulations of America. America is playing this selfish game to stop China, but India should increase trade and economic co-operation with China, not with it, but for its development.

India’s business environment a big problem: Wang Yi
China’s top diplomat Wang Yi said that even though the investment of American companies in India has increased continuously, it is no longer possible to separate big companies like Apple from China. Through an article in Global Times, he further said – India’s business environment and industry supply chain is a big problem. If India is seeing that it will be profitable by doing business with America, then first it has to be understood that the more India exports to America, the more it will need to import from China.

‘America just pays lip service to India’
Stating that “the US only pays lip service to India, but rarely delivers anything in reality”, Wang advised India to stay away from the US, and said that engaging in America’s selfish game First India should think again and again. It should promote trade and economic cooperation with China, which is very important for its future and development.

Read this also: PM Modi went on his first state visit to America, know how it is different from previous visits

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