They keep on eating one thing or the other throughout the day… then is the decision to do yoga in the evening correct?

International Yoga Day 2023: Morning is considered the best time for yoga or workout. But not everyone is able to pay attention to their fitness by taking out time in the morning. There are some people who get time in the evening. But they are not able to do workouts thinking that what is the use now after the passing of the day. Especially if you want to do yoga, then many questions come to mind. The first question is whether we can do yoga in the evening after having tea, breakfast and lunch throughout the day. If you have the same question, then know that the answer is yes. Now you can do yoga in the evening also. It also has many advantages.

benefits of doing yoga in the evening

If you want to do yoga in the evening then there is nothing wrong in that. Just keep in mind that you should do yoga at least four hours after eating anything. Many people consider it better to do yoga in the evening. Because, then there is no panic. And there is plenty of time for workouts. This is the reason why yoga done in the evening is also considered as a form of mental relaxation. If you want to do yoga in the evening, there is no need for warm-up. Because the body remains active throughout the day.

Which yoga can you do?

  1. It is beneficial to do some special yoga in the evening. One of which is Adho Mukhasana. Legs and abdominal muscles get a good stretch from this asana. Due to which all the stress of the day is also released.
  2. By doing Paschimottanasana, belly fat is burnt and digestion is also better. It is effective in reactivating the metabolism which is getting weak at night.
  3. Uttanasana strengthens the entire immune system. There is also relief in back pain and the mind gets peace.
  4. You stay fit with Trikonasana. Also gets rid of indigestion and acidity.
  5. Sitting throughout the day increases the stress on the spinal cord. By doing Ardhamatyendrasana in the evening, there is relief from back pain and blood circulation also remains normal.

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