Tickets will be given on the basis of performance in UP BJP, MPs will have to give report card of work

UP News: The BJP has started preparations in mission mode for the Lok Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh. The party is brainstorming on each seat separately. Apart from this, the feedback of the area is also being taken. Now if sources are to be believed then on the basis of performance in BJP, ticket will be given in Lok Sabha elections. For this, the report cord of MPs will matter.

If sources are to be believed, the performance of all BJP MPs in the state will be seen. All MPs will have to give a report card of the functioning of their area. The MPs will have to give detailed details of the work done in the area as well as the activities of the organization in the campaigns. At the same time, feedback will also be taken from the party on the work of every MP in his constituency. For this, a report can also be sought from the district level everywhere.

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This information will be in the report card of MPs
BJP’s public relations campaign and meeting on tiffin is still going on in UP. If sources are to be believed, BJP is preparing the report card of all its MPs in the state with the help of mass public relations campaign. Sources claim that in this report cord, it will have to be told that how much work has been done by the BJP MPs in the public relations campaign in their Lok Sabha? The expatriate leaders engaged in the mass contact campaign are collecting the details of the work of each MP in his area.

If sources are to be believed, BJP MPs will have to send a three-page form. Many information would have been asked in this form. According to the information sought, the MPs will have to give complete information to the party through the form. Apart from this, the MPs will have to upload the photo of the entire campaign in the Saral app. Let us tell you that the full eye of the BJP high command is on the preparations for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in the state. According to the sources, the feedback of the preparations is also being taken from time to time.

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