Army officer, wife and Chief Justice…, game of politics and revenge of the army

Along with the debate on the family relations of the Lieutenant General, his wife and the Chief Justice, the ongoing revenge of the army has become a topic of discussion in Pakistan at this time. But to understand this whole news, we have to understand the whole game of politics going on in Pakistan, in which the army is also involved.

The whole plan to end this system in the neighboring country of India, the world’s largest democracy, is now going on behind the scenes. After the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in a corruption case, the people of his party Tehreek-e-Insaf started violence on May 9.

Such incidents are common in democratic countries and such violent protests are pacified on the basis of the system. The army there, sitting on the whole system of Pakistan, has considered this protest against Iqbal.

It would also not be wrong to say that this was the first time in the history of 75 years of Pakistan that any political party had made such a huge protest against the army, but now Pakistan’s army has vowed to wipe out Imran Khan’s party PTI. Is.

Shortly after joining politics, Imran Khan had targeted the army. Imran Khan and his party have accused ISI chief Major General Faisal Naseer of the murderous attack since his dramatic ouster from the prime minister’s chair.

Significantly, during a rally last year, Imran Khan was shot.

It is believed that the way Imran Khan gathered sympathy after the attack and tried to prove the army as the villain, his arrest was the result of this incident. Now Pakistan’s army has fallen behind Imran Khan and his party leaders.

Using the pretext of the violence that took place on 9th May, swift action is being taken. Out of fear many leaders have resigned from PTI. There are reports of public harassment of PTI leaders in the action being taken by the army.

With this, Pakistan’s army has once again got an opportunity to strengthen its hold in the government system, which had become loose during the Imran government.

But this time the Pakistan Army is not in the mood of coercion or coup. The current Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahbaz Sharif is the head of a weak government and he cannot even muster the courage to interfere in the affairs of the army.

On the other hand, to save the sinking economy, they also need the help of the army.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s army is trying to win the hearts of the general public by terming the violence perpetrated by Imran’s supporters as against the country. In fact, Imran Khan was trying to create an atmosphere against the army officers by raising the issue of corruption in the army.

But now the army is trying to create a system in which its role is that of a third factor apart from political parties and it also has the most power. It can be inferred from the fact that in view of the delay in loan disbursement by the International Monetary Fund, the army was also involved in the government’s meeting to deal with the economic challenges.

Pakistan’s current army chief General Syed Asim Munir is trying to free the army from the shadow of former army chief General Qamar Bajwa. Qamar Bajwa had given a statement before retiring that the role of army in politics is unconstitutional.

In the beginning, Asim Munir also supported this. But the kind of action being taken against PTI workers and leaders clearly shows that the army has once again become a big factor in Pakistan’s politics.

Army action and Imran’s party
After the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in corruption case, PTI workers started violent demonstrations. The anger of the people was less against the government but more on the army. The mob broke into the army headquarters in Rawalpindi and ransacked it.

This was the first time in the history of Pakistan that the public entered the army headquarters. Till now the army used to overturn the throne, but this time the people did the army only and gave a clear message that they should not interfere in political matters.

But this protest could go on for a long time. Now the matter is in the hands of the army and it has been decided that the PTI workers involved in the May 9 violence will be tried in military courts.

The current government of Pakistan has kept silence. The message is also being given by the army that it has become a victim of this terror perpetrated by PTI which protects the country.

The manner in which the leaders have left PTI in the recent past has now created an existential crisis for Imran’s party. There is even news that even Imran Khan himself is losing ground and the ‘true freedom’ campaign he started has also cooled down.

Imran Khan was overshadowed on May 9
The violence that took place on May 9 after the arrest of Imran has also affected political activities. Elections to be held in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province have also been postponed. Imran Khan had been demanding elections in these states for a long time. Not only this, the present government which was preparing to hold general elections this year has also backed down. If political activities come to a standstill in Pakistan, then it is clear that interference of army in governance and politics will go on increasing.

What is the matter of Lieutenant General’s wife, Chief Justice
In fact, the army is not only targeting PTI, but its target is some military officers who are suspected to have deliberately allowed Imran’s supporters to enter their homes. Preparations are being made to prosecute these army officers in the military court.

A big name is coming out in this, Lieutenant General Salman Fayaz Ghani, who is being accused of deliberately allowing Imran’s supporters to enter and sabotage. It is not even here that it is being told that his wife has close relations with Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial.

The Shehbaz government of Pakistan has alleged many times that the Chief Justice is in some case or the other. Imran Khan taking sides. Along with this, the government has sought the resignation of the Chief Justice on the charge of spreading ‘anarchy’.

Please tell that because of the alleged inclination of the judiciary of Pakistan towards Imran, it also has a conflict with the army.

There is a big crisis in front of Pakistan
Anger is increasing in the people of Pakistan who are facing poverty, unemployment and food crisis. Along with this, many terrorist organizations have become active inside the country. In the current period of turmoil, Pakistan’s army has become active again.

Government institutions are becoming weak. The army is now seen to be at loggerheads with the Supreme Court. But the political game is also at its peak.

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