At what time will PM Modi do Yoga today, has China also recognized Yoga Day?

PM Modi Visit US: prime minister of India Narendra Modi (Narendra Modi) has gone on his first state visit to America. During this, he will be in America from 21 to 24 June and will participate in 10 programs in 72 hours. Today, Yoga Day is being celebrated all over the world, on this occasion PM Modi will go to the United Nations (UN) called ‘World Panchayat’. According to the Ministry of External Affairs, Modi will do yoga in the UN today at 5.30 pm among thousands of people.

Let us tell you that International Yoga Day was started only on the proposal of PM Modi. Under the leadership of Modi, the Indian government was supported by more than half of the countries of the whole world. About 7 months after Modi became the Prime Minister, the proposal for International Yoga Day was passed in the UN. 177 countries made Yoga international. The surprising thing in this matter is that Pakistan, which had enmity with India, was left alone, neither China nor the organization of Islamic countries supported it. Despite Pakistan’s opposition, India’s ‘Yoga Diplomacy’ was approved in the UN. OIC is an organization of 56 Islamic countries.

48 Muslim countries of OIC also gave recognition to Yoga
48 out of 56 OIC countries supported India in declaring Yoga as International Yoga Day. Not only this, China also supported India instead of Pakistan. Then global experts had termed this diplomatic success as India’s ‘Yoga Diplomacy’. It has been told on the portal of the Ministry of External Affairs that on September 27, 2014, for the first time in the UN, the matter of celebrating Yoga Day at the international level every year was kept by Prime Minister Modi. He called yoga necessary for life. And, said that people of the whole world should adopt this ancient method to stay healthy. According to Forbes, it was evident from this speech of Modi that India is now openly using yoga as diplomacy.

When China did not support Pakistan in UN
When Indian Ambassador Ashok Mukherjee presented the proposal of Yoga in the UN on 11 December 2014, Pakistan did not want the proposal of International Yoga Day to pass. Pakistan felt that Muslim countries would not accept Indian methods like Surya Namaskar and Yoga, it was confident that OIC, an organization of Muslim countries, would also oppose this proposal. But, surprisingly, this proposal was supported by China, which is a permanent member of the UN. As soon as its support was received, this proposal of India was unanimously passed in the UN without voting. However, this was the only time when China did not go against India in UN, otherwise it saved Pakistan every time.

..and, in the UN, the terrorist of Pakistan was saved again.
Just yesterday, China blocked the efforts of India and America to declare Pakistani terrorist Sajid Mir as a global terrorist. A reward of $5 million was placed on Sajid Mir, and he is wanted in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack. India and America had brought proposals in the UN to declare him a global terrorist, but China vetoed and stopped that proposal.

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