Not only salt, too much sugar can also increase blood pressure, if you want to stay healthy, be careful from today itself.

Health Tips: High blood pressure and diabetes is one of the fastest growing serious health problems today due to messed up lifestyle and food habits. A large number of people are falling prey to them. Due to these, the body can be affected in many ways. According to health experts, if these diseases are not taken care of in time, then the risk of death increases. Disturbance in lifestyle and diet has been considered as the main reason for this. Researchers believe that high sodium plays a role in increasing blood pressure and high sugar is responsible for diabetes. But very few people know that eating too much sugar can increase blood pressure.

salt and sugar both are enemies of health

According to a report published in the National Library of Medicine, both salt and sugar are enemies of health. Both work to increase BP. It has also been found in many studies that salt is the main reason for increased blood pressure. Some people increase the intake of sugar after reducing salt, which increases the risk instead of reducing it. Researchers say that eating more sugar leads to obesity, which becomes the reason for increasing blood pressure. In recent research, it has been told that blood pressure is also affected by excessive consumption of added sugar, especially soft drinks.

Disadvantages of eating too much sugar

Heart danger

According to medical reports, added sugar can increase the risk of heart diseases. Compared to others, death due to heart disease has been seen three times more in such people. Excess amount of sugar causes increase in BP and obesity. Therefore, there is a risk of heart disease.

Fat problem in liver

The reason for sweetness in most packaged foods is found in fructose, it is a type of sugar. In studies it has been found to increase fat in the liver. According to the researchers, consuming fructose-rich foods on a regular basis can lead to accumulation of small droplets of fat in the liver and may increase the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This leads to other problems as well.

sleep can be disturbed

If sugar is consumed more during the day, then the blood sugar level can increase. Researchers say that increased sugar and blood pressure levels can affect sleep hormones. This can disturb sleep. The risk of death can also be high due to less sleep.

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