Politics on Yoga in Delhi, Kejriwal government expressed displeasure over closure of free classes

International Yoga Day 2023: International Yoga Day was celebrated all over the world on Wednesday (June 21), on this occasion big events related to it were organized at different places. Big leaders of BJP including central ministers also participated in these.

Along with this, Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Vinay Kumar Saxena was also seen doing yoga in a program in the morning. But the Arvind Kejriwal government of Delhi kept distance from yoga this year. The Kejriwal government did not organize any program related to yoga this year, nor did the ministers associated with the government participate in any program.

In fact, the main reason behind this is that the free yoga classes started by the Kejriwal government in Delhi had to be stopped last year itself due to non-approval of LG Saxena. In such a situation, the Kejriwal government accused the Modi government at the Center and said that they are playing with the health of the people. Yoga so that people remain healthy and fit. The Modi government at the center got him closed.

What did Arvind Kejriwal say?
This is the reason that just a day before Yoga Day, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted, “Tomorrow is International Yoga Day. This day inspires us to do yoga. Two years ago the Delhi government started free yoga classes for the people of Delhi. About 17,000 people started doing yoga in these every day. Last year, he got these yoga classes stopped. People became very sad. Who benefits from this? Should public welfare programs be stopped like this?

Kejriwal further said that for me Yoga Day will be the day when I will again start free yoga classes for my Delhiites. If you have good intentions then God also supports you. They stopped us in Delhi, we started free yoga classes in Punjab. I am happy that it is getting tremendous support from the people in Punjab. It was clear from his tweet that this year Arvind Kejriwal government is not going to be seen doing anything special on Yoga Day.

What did Saurabh Bhardwaj say?
In the Kejriwal government, health minister Saurabh Bhardwaj was asked a question, then he also took a jibe at the central government and said that yoga has been tokenized. Nothing can be changed by sending a message for one day.

Bhardwaj said that CM Arvind Kejriwal had started a scheme to provide free yoga teachers in all the parks of Delhi. In this, yoga teachers used to go to hundreds of places and teach yoga to people. During this, he used to teach yoga to elders and women. But the way this plan was stopped after the arrival of LG by putting pressure on the officers is unfortunate. Consider this as tokenism which is being done.

What did LG say on the allegations?
The Kejriwal government may not have organized any programme, but Delhi’s LG Vinay Kumar Saxena attended the program organized in a DDA park located at Sarai Kale Khan. During this, he also practiced yoga, but when he was asked about the allegations of the Kejriwal government, in which the LG and the Center have been accused of stopping free yoga classes in Delhi, he was seen leaving without answering.

It is clear from this that due to the way the fight is going on between the Delhi government and LG Saxena, today yoga is also in the circle of politics. The round of accusations and counter-accusations on each other continues. Due to this tussle, the free yoga classes available to the people in Delhi have now become a gift of politics.

read this also- Yoga Day 2023: When Congress remembered Nehru on Yoga Day, Shashi Tharoor gave advice, said- Do not forget the efforts of Modi government

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