‘Welcome Modi, but…’ know what 75 US lawmakers demanded from Joe Biden in the letter

PM Modi US Visit: Indian Prime Minister went on the first state visit to America Narendra Modi (PM Modi) will stay there for 3 days. During this, Modi will participate in 10 programs in 72 hours. Before the start of Modi’s visit, 75 US Senators and Congressional Representatives wrote a letter to US President Joe Biden. In that letter, he wrote that His Excellency the President should work to strengthen Indo-US relations, and also discuss some serious issues of concern during the meeting with PM Modi.

According to the news agency Reuters, the US lawmakers who wrote the letter said that they are concerned about religious intolerance, freedom of the press, internet access and targeting of civil society organizations. In the letter, citing the reports of the US State Department and civil society, he has said that before our President Indian PM Modi, there is a ‘shrinking of political space in India, increasing of religious intolerance, targeting of civil society organizations and journalists, press and Raise the issue of ‘increasing restrictions on the Internet’.

Letter from 75 US lawmakers and congressional representatives
A total of 75 Democratic senators and members of the House of Representatives signed the letter sent to President Biden, sent to the White House on Tuesday, June 20 and first reported by Reuters. In the letter, on behalf of Senator Chris Van Hollen and Representative Pramila Jayapal, it was said that we do not support any particular Indian leader or political party and it is the decision of the people of India. We stand in support of important principles that should be a core part of American foreign policy.”

‘Both friends should talk openly’
“We look forward to your meeting with Prime Minister Modi to discuss the full range of issues important to the successful, strong and long-term relationship between our two great countries,” the letter said for President Biden. It was said in the letter that India and America have all kinds of strategic, economic, commercial and defense relations. When the friendship is so deep, both the friends should talk honestly and openly.

Read this also: PM Modi went on his first state visit to America, know how it is different from previous visits

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