After the Fed Reserve Governor’s statement, the speed in bitcoin returned, then the price crossed $ 30,000

Bitcoin Prices Today: There is good news for cryptocurrency investors. For the first time since April 2023, the largest cryptocurrency bitcoin has been able to cross $ 30,000. The credit for this boom in bitcoin goes to Jerome Powell, the governor of the US Central Bank Federal Reserve. In his statement to the US Congress, he said that the cryptocurrency industry is showing the ability to survive.

Addressing the hearing on monetary policy, Jerome Powell said that, we see payment stablecoins as money. And the last source of credibility in money in all advanced economies is the Central Bank. He said that we believe that it would be appropriate to have a very strong federal role. He said that it is very important for the Federal Reserve to have a strong role in monitoring stablecoins.

Looking at the data of cryptocurrency prices, bitcoin is trading at $30,423. In the last seven days, there has been a jump of 21 percent in bitcoin. In the last 24 hours, the price of bitcoin has increased by 5.87 percent.

Many predictions have been seen regarding bitcoin this year. Standard Charted said in April this year that bitcoin could touch a historic level of one million dollars by the end of 2024. Standard Chartered’s Digital Asset Research said in its note that due to the recent banking sector crisis, the break on the US Central Bank Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike, increasing profits in crypto mining, Bitcoin has gained tremendously. Will happen. He said that the reasons for volatility will remain, but it is clearly visible that bitcoin can reach the level of one million dollars by the end of 2024.

Although there was a decline in the price of bitcoin in the last two months. But now again a boom is being seen in this cryptocurrency. Although bitcoin is trading below its record high. In November 2021, bitcoin went up to a record high of $65000. But due to the huge fall in prices, last year Bitcoin made a low of $16500.

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