Americans have a positive outlook on India, but only a few trust PM Modi – Pew Survey

Pew Research on India US: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on his 8th US visit, but the special thing is that he has reached there for the first time on a state visit. Prior to this, only Prime Minister Manmohan Singh went on a ‘state visit’ in 2009 on the invitation of the US President. While most people are considering PM Modi’s visit as fruitful for India, Subramanian Swamy, a senior leader of PM Modi’s party, says that PM Modi will return empty-handed to Delhi. Swamy shared a report of Pew Research Center by tweeting today.

A Pew Research report states that most Americans generally view India favorably, but only a few of them Narendra Modi But sure. According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted on March 20-26, 2023, many people in America have never even heard of Modi. And, those who have heard about this Indian leader believe that he lacks confidence. According to Pew Research, more than half of American adults (51%) have a favorable view of India, while just under a fraction (44%) have an unfavorable view.

Shocking Pew Research survey on American opinion
Releasing survey data on Americans’ opinion of PM Modi and India, Pew Research noted that attitudes varied slightly based on educational attainment, with 55% of Americans with a bachelor’s or higher degree viewing India positively. See, even 50% of people with some college or less education say the same. Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are also more likely to view India favorably than their Republican and Republican-leaning counterparts (56% Vs 48%).

Looking at India’s position globally, a majority of American adults (64%) believe that the country’s influence in the world has remained the same in recent years. At the same time, another 23% say that India’s influence has increased, while 11% say that its influence has decreased.

Men are more interested in India than women
According to Pew Research, men are more likely than women in the US to say that India’s influence is growing stronger, as compared to those with a bachelor’s degree or higher education compared to those without a college degree . And, in America men are more likely than women to answer the question. American adults who follow international news closely are more likely to see India as a rising power than those who follow it less closely.

‘Most young Americans have never heard of Modi’
When it comes to PM Modi, a large section (40%) in America says that they have never heard of Modi. Americans under the age of 30 are especially likely to say they don’t know who Modi is (59%). In comparison, 28% of US adults age 65 and older say the same. Adults with less education are also more likely to have never heard of Modi than those with higher levels of education.

  • People who have heard about PM Modi, have a negative feeling about Modi. For example, 37% people have little or no confidence in PM Modi’s ability to deal with global affairs, while 21% have confidence in him.

Most Americans do not know what the Indian flag is like!
In a 2022 report by the Pew Research Center, it was also said that the people of America are largely unfamiliar with the Indian flag, that is, they do not know how the national flag of India is. When a picture of India’s tricolor flag was presented to Americans to assess their knowledge of international affairs, only 41% of Americans could recognize it as being from India.

read this also – ‘You are showing wrong picture of my India…’ Muslim leader responds to US MP who boycotted PM Modi’s speech

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