Sanjay Dutt Bought Cricket Team: Bollywood’s famous actor Sanjay Dutt has entered the cricket field. These days franchise cricket is growing rapidly. Meanwhile, Zimbabwe is preparing to organize the ‘Zim Afro T10’ tournament. This tournament will start from 20 July. In this tournament, Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has become the co-owner of the Harare Hurricanes team along with Sir Sohan Roy of Aries Group of Companies.
This is the debut of the veteran actor in Bollywood in the cricket world. Organized by Zimbabwe, a total of five teams will participate in this tournament, in which – Durban Qalandars, Cape Town Samp Army, Bulawayo Braves, Joburg Lions and Harare Hurricanes are present. The Durban Qalandars team joining the league is the Pakistan Super League franchise Lahore Qalandars team.
Zim Afro T10 will be the first ever franchise cricket event in Zimbabwe to be held in Harare. The players’ draft for the tournament will be held on July 2 at an event in Harare. This will be the first season of the Zim Afro tournament. At the same time, Sanjay Dutt has expressed his enthusiasm on becoming the co-owner of the team in the tournament. With this, he has expressed hope that the Harare Hurricanes tournament will do well and entertain cricket fans in Zimbabwe.
Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt said, “Cricket is like a religion in India and one of the biggest sporting nations, I feel it is our duty to take the game to every corner of the world.”
He added, “Zimbabwe has a great history in sport and to be associated with this and help fans have a great time is something that really makes me happy. , I am looking forward to doing really well in the Jim Afro T10 of Harare Hurricanes.
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