This British teacher used to sexually abuse Indian children online, used to give money in exchange for pornographic photos

London: A primary school teacher in London has admitted to online sexual exploitation of young children in India. The British teacher used to ask for obscene pictures from the children, and he used to pay for it too. The accused teacher himself has admitted paying for more than 120,000 pornographic images of children. 

The National Crime Agency (NCA) said Matthew Smith, 34, from East Dulwich, was arrested on Tuesday. was charged with five offenses including sexually abusing a child under the age of 13 and remanded in custody. 

More than 120,000 indecent images recovered< /p>

According to the National Crime Agency, Matthew Smith was online at the time of his arrest, talking to a teenage boy living in India and asking him to send sexual images of a young child in exchange for money. Was saying. Officers recovered more than 120,000 child pornography from the scene, which Smith had stored on a laptop, SD card and his phone. 

Paid for pornography

Not only that, thousands of photos and videos of child sexual abuse were recovered from Smith’s devices. Smith also paid for pornographic photographs to satisfy his sexual desires. The investigation revealed to the NCA that Smith paid GBP 65,398 (British Pound Sterling) over five years for online sexual exploitation of two teenage children living in India.

Notably, Smith Worked with orphanages and NGOs in India from 2007-2014, where he used to target the innocent. Smith is slated to plead guilty to the preliminary offenses in November 2022. After this his service was terminated from the school. 

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