Why do Indians have the maximum number of people with diabetes in the world? food in other countries

Why do Indians have the maximum number of people with diabetes in the world?  food in other countries

People of India are suffering from diabetes type-2 disease at a young age as compared to European people. Research by ‘Dundee University of America’ has published a report related to diabetes. In which researchers from Dundee University of America have published a study in ‘The Journal Diabetes Care’. In which he has disclosed this. Diabetes is a complex disease. Which is slowly catching more than half of the world’s population.

Most of the data on diabetes are included in the European Western data.  The team identified two genetic variants associated with age of diagnosis that are much more common in the South Indian population than in patients of European ancestry.

Indians develop diabetes at a younger age than Europeans

Researchers found differences in the genetic heritability of age at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in South Indian and European populations. Additionally, they examined whether the genome-wide polygenic risk score for age at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes could be transferred between different ancestries. The findings highlight the disparity in heritability estimates of age at diagnosis and explain polygenic variation among South Indians.

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