What is the significance of the tradition of kissing the stone of paradise and stoning the devil during Hajj?

Like the last few years, this year also permission has been given to perform Haj by following the Kovid protocol. Covid vaccine has also been made mandatory. However, Corona virus Only 10,000 pilgrims went to perform Haj in 2020 after the pandemic.

In 2021, 58,700 pilgrims went on Haj. About 10 million pilgrims will perform Haj in 2022. 

What are the rules regarding Haj 2023?
The Grand Mosque of Saudi Arabia and the General Presidency of the Prophet’s Mosque have made it mandatory to wear medical masks. The Ministry of Haj and Umrah has recently issued new guidelines for Haj.

According to the ministry’s tweet, instructions have been given not to bring unwrapped and tied goods, plastic bags, cloth-wrapped goods and excess weight. Covid vaccination is necessary.

Haj pilgrimage is considered very important for the people of Muslim religion, it is one of the five pillars of Islam. According to Islam, it is very important to go on Haj pilgrimage once in a lifetime to get the blessings of Allah. Hajj is obligatory on every Muslim who is physically and financially able.

Every year a pilgrim spends about 4 lakhs to go to Haj. According to the government body Haj Committee of India (HCI) (which arranges the travel of about 70% of the pilgrims), in the year 2022, the cost per person was Rs 3,99,500. In such a situation, the question is why do pilgrims go to Mecca after spending so much money, and what do these pilgrims do in such large numbers. 

Actually the foundation of Islam rests on five pillars or duties. 

  • Shahadah (Faith) – Shahadah (Shahadah) is belief in one God (Allah) and His Messenger. 
  • Salat (Prayer) – offering daily prayers is the foundation of Islam.
  • Zakat (Charity)-   Giving charity to the poor.
  • Roza (fasting)- fasting for the purification of mind and soul.
  • Hajj (pilgrimage)-  Unlike other ‘farz’ of Islam, Hajj has been made obligatory once in a lifetime.

In these, keeping Namaz (Salat) and Roza is mandatory for all Muslims. There is no discount on these. But some relaxation has been given in Zakat and Hajj. Zakat (charity) can be given only by those who have wealth. Similarly, Hajj is necessary for those who are physically and financially capable. It is obligatory on them to perform Hajj at least once in their life.

What is Hajj and how it started

Hajj takes place in Mecca city of Saudi Arabia. The Kaaba is in the city of Mecca itself, towards which Muslims from all over the world pray. Kaaba is the building of worship which is called the house of Allah. It is a structure made of black stone. 

According to the beliefs of Islam, Prophet Ibrahim was asked by Allah to dedicate a place of pilgrimage.

After Allah’s order, Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail built a small stone building. This was called Kaaba. In later times gradually people started worshiping different gods here.

Muslims believe that the last prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (570–632 AD) was told by Allah to restore the Kaaba to its former condition and allow only Allah to be worshiped there.

In the year 628, Prophet Mohammad started a journey with his 1400 followers. This became the first pilgrimage of Islam and in this journey the religious tradition of Prophet Ibrahim was re-established. This is called Hajj.

This tradition started since then continues even today. Every year Muslims from all over the world reach Mecca in Saudi Arabia for Haj. Hajj is completed in five days and it ends with Eid ul Azha i.e. Bakrid. 

What do Muslims do during Hajj in five days 

Hajj is a long and difficult process. There are rituals which are performed with complete rules. There are five important stages for Hajj. 

All the Hajis kiss a small black stone in the eastern corner of the Kaaba during the 7 times circumambulation on this day. Muslims consider this stone very important. It is believed that this black stone is from the time of Adam and Eve. When there is a lot of crowd, Muslims pray towards this stone. 

Mount of Arafat

On the second day the travelers reach the hill of Arafat. It is necessary to go to the hill of Arafat. Otherwise Hajj is considered incomplete. The hill of Arafat is also called Jabal al-Rahm. Prophet Hazrat Muhammad gave his last sermon on this hill.

stoning the devil and offering sacrifices

Bakrid takes place on the third day of Hajj. The sacrifice is made on this day, but before that the pilgrims go to Meena and throw stones at the devil three times. These stones are killed on three different pillars built at Jamrahe Ukwa, Jamrahe Wusta and Jamrahe Ula. 

It should be noted that the sacrificed animal is to be distributed among the poor or needy.

On the fourth day once again the ritual of stoning the devil takes place.


Day 5 

This ritual is also done on the next i.e. the fifth day. Hajis head towards Mecca before daybreak. 

Sixth Day: Halak or Taksir –  After returning to Mecca, all the pilgrims cut their hair on the sixth day of Hajj and on the 12th day of Dhul Hijjah. Men trim their hair perfectly. Women can trim their hair to finger length.

From which countries do people come to Mecca?

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