Apply potato ice cube to get a moon-like glow on the face… know here how to make it

Potato Ice Cubes: Is your skin glowing in summer? Are you also troubled by acne and blemishes? If yes, then stop worrying, we are telling you a very good home remedy. Using which you can get the desired result. All of you must be applying ice cubes on the face, but today we are telling you the benefits of applying potato ice cubes on the skin. Yes, applying potato ice cubes can remove all the problems related to your skin. Let’s know about the benefits of it and how to make it.

Know the benefits of potato ice cubes

1.Let us tell you that elements like vitamin C, magnesium, folate and antioxidants are found in potatoes. In such a situation, you can reduce wrinkles by applying potato ice cubes. It reduces the effect of ageing. Brings tightness in the skin

2.If your skin has turned black due to heat. Even if the skin is tanning, you can use potato ice cubes. This will remove the problem of tanning and your skin will become shiny again.

3.Vitamin B is found in potatoes. Along with this, iron is found in it. In such a situation, by applying its ice cube, the spots on the face can be removed. The problem of dark circles can also be overcome to a great extent.

4.You can use potato ice cube in any kind of skin infection. You can get benefit from this.

5.Antioxidants are found in potato which helps in protecting your skin from sun damage. This can cause deep cleaning of the face. Potato ice cube can also be of great benefit in the problem of puffy eyes.

How to make Potato Ice Cube?

  • a large potato
  • Milk 5 to 6 tbsp
  • Essential oil 5 to 6 drops


  • Cut the potato into small pieces, make a paste of it.
  • Now filter the potato juice through a sieve and take it out in a vessel.
  • Mix milk well in it.
  • Now add 5 to 6 drops of essential oil to it.
  • Put this mixture in an ice tray and keep it in the fridge to freeze.
  • When the ice cube is ready, wrap it in a clean cotton cloth or handkerchief and apply it on the face.
  • Make sure to clean your face before applying the ice cube.
  • You have to do a light massage of your face with icecube.
  • Now after this the face has to be left like this for 5 to 6 minutes.
  • Then after some time you have to clean your face with clean water.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or related expert.

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