One out of every 5 women is becoming a mother naturally after IVF, what happens after treatment

Becoming a mother is a pleasant feeling for any woman. But in today’s busy life and setting career, many people reach such a stage that they are deprived of this pleasant feeling. Some people are unable to become parents due to age and some due to physical problems. In such a situation, IVF (In vitro fertilization) acts as a ray of hope. Many women are getting the pleasure of becoming a mother through this. Couples who have given up all hope that they cannot become parents now have a new source of energy through IVF. 

With IVF again Conceive naturally

According to recent research, after becoming a mother through IVF, one out of 5 women conceives naturally in the next child. According to the scientists of ‘University College London’, women should know that after IVF, women who conceive naturally are not as abnormal as it is thought. Experts said that recent research conducted on more than 5,000 women showed that those who used IVF for their first child. 20% of them become pregnant naturally within three years.

Experts said that a recent research conducted on more than 5,000 women showed that those who tried for their first child Use IVF. 20% of them become pregnant naturally within three years. Lead author Dr Annette Thwaites, from UCL’s EGA Institute for Women’s Health, said: “Our findings suggest that having a baby through IVF is not a natural way of becoming a mother. 

EGA Institute for Women’s Health

Dr Annette Thwaites, lead author from UCL’s EGA Institute for Women’s Health, said: “Our findings suggest that natural pregnancy after IVF is rare. is far from. This is contrary to the view widely held by women and health professionals and commonly expressed in the media that this is a highly unlikely event.

Ovarian function after the procedure of IVF Many types of changes come

The data of more than 5,000 women around the world has been included in this research between 1980 and 2021. Under this, the data of  11 studies has been analysed. In which 1,160 women from the UK were also included. In this, he speculated that IVF technology can promote natural pregnancies. He said that this is a very good step in biological way. Ovary starts functioning properly through the entire process of IVF. 

Women conceive naturally after IVF due to these reasons

< p>Hormonal changes during pregnancy and reduced stress after giving birth may also help women conceive naturally.

The team said that participants in the research Most of the participants had low fertility. In which it usually takes longer than expected to conceive. This means that not all women who seek and receive fertility treatment are completely or permanently infertile, they said. adopted. Like being in a homosexual relationship. being a single parent or being a surrogate.

With more than 10 million babies born through IVF worldwide, the researchers said it is important for people who have had successful treatment to know that their How likely are you to conceive naturally after.

Thwaites said to find out what is possible. Will empower women to plan their families and make informed choices about further fertility treatment and/or contraception.

The research, published in the journal Human Reproduction, also includes a report interviewing 22 UK women Is. Those who conceived naturally after getting pregnant through IVF.

The woman told about her experience of conceiving naturally after IVF

London Shema Tariq, a doctor and educationist, has two children aged three and four. He said that if IVF was not there then it would not have been possible to become a mother without it. Shema Tariq said that it took 6 rounds of IVF. Because of which a son was born to me in the year  2018. My doctor told me to take the birth control pill after she was born but we both laughed and I didn’t take the pill. After 8 months, I became pregnant again and had a daughter. I didn’t even think of getting pregnant immediately but it happened. If I had known that one out of 5 women gets pregnant naturally, I would have used the contraceptive pill until I was physically and mentally ready. More than 50,000 patients in the UK have a baby through IVF each year. 

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