Situation in Moscow normal after Wagner rebellion, anti-terrorist security system removed

Russian Coup: After the rebellion of the Wagner Group, the situation in Moscow had become uncontrollable. In such a situation, emergency has been declared in Moscow. An anti-terrorist regime was imposed in the city but has now been lifted. The situation in Moscow has now become normal as before.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced on his Telegram account that Muscovites are to be thanked for their calm and composure during the crisis. Significantly, during the rebellion of the Wagner Group, the mayor of Moscow had said that Monday would be a non-working day. All the services of the city will be on high alert. People were requested to remain in their homes. Do not travel unnecessarily. But now it is not so. The situation in the city has become normal. An agreement has been reached between the rebel Wagner Group and the government.

Vainger army marched towards Moscow

It is to be known that the Wagner Group, which fought on behalf of Russia in Ukraine, rebelled against the Russian power itself. Yevgeny Prigozhin, Chief of the Wagner Army, along with thousands of his fighters marched towards Moscow, the capital of Russia, yesterday, 24 June. But now the matter has calmed down. Russian President Vladimir Putin and the head of the Vainger Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, have not been seen since the agreement. According to media reports, silence has enveloped the whole of Russia including Moscow.

Government had to compromise

Let us inform that Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday termed the declaration of an armed rebellion by Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the private army ‘Wagner Group’, as a ‘betrayal’ and a step of ‘stabbing Russia in the back’. Along with this, Putin had said that those who conspired to revolt would be severely punished. But now the government has made a pact with the rebels.

read this also: Russian Coup: There have been coup attempts in Russia before, know the countries where the governments were toppled, the ‘army’ seized power

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