Know in which Muslim countries four marriages are allowed, where triple talaq is banned

Polygamy and Triple Talaq in Muslim Countries: prime minister of india Narendra Modi Has started a new debate in the political corridors by advocating the Uniform Civil Code. Modi said that the opposition parties are misleading the Muslims on the issue of UCC. We should keep in mind that the constitution also gives equal rights to all the citizens of the country. In such a situation, bad practices like triple talaq, four-four marriages (polygamy) should end. PM Modi cited that “triple talaq is banned in Muslim countries too, so why can’t it happen here. If there is one law for one member in a household and another for the other, will the house be able to run? How will it go.”

Now the question arises that which are the Islamic countries where Muslims are allowed four marriages and in which Muslim countries triple talaq has been banned? Do Muslims do multiple marriages only in India to have more children? Let us try to know the answers to many such questions here.

Majority of 57 Muslim-majority countries banned the practice
Islam has spread to more than 150 countries since its inception. Reportedly, more than 50 countries have associated themselves with the OIC, a group of Islamic countries, and many have added ‘Islam’ or ‘Islamic’ to the name itself. The full form of OIC is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, of which 57 countries have become members so far. Its leaders claim that this organization is the second largest intergovernmental organization after the United Nations, of which every Muslim-majority country is a part. Any discussion related to Islam takes place in OIC and usually all countries implement its decisions in their own right.

Triple talaq banned even in Islamic countries with strict laws
Talking about triple talaq, major member countries of OIC have banned this practice. Countries such as Bangladesh, Malaysia, Algeria, Jordan, Iraq, Brunei, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Kuwait and Morocco are also among the Muslim countries that disagreed with the practice and banned it. Interestingly, Egypt was the first country to ban the practice in 1929. The Government of India also took steps to ban this practice.

Restrictions in countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan as well
In India, on 13 May 2017, during the hearing before its final verdict, the Supreme Court described the process of instant triple talaq as “the worst form of marriage-dissolution”. It was said by the court that this practice is also banned in Muslim-majority countries like Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Apart from triple talaq, there is another big issue – more than one marriage or four marriages in Islam. Indian Mullah-Maulvi say that any Muslim man can marry four women, but no woman can marry four men. In such a situation, the matter of Muslim men having more than one marriage has been very controversial.

There is a ban on the practice of multiple marriages in these countries.
In many Muslim countries such as Turkey and Tunisia, where polygamy is banned, second marriage is subject to administration or court in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Pakistan and Bangladesh. This was told by the Law Commission in India in its report submitted to the Ministry of Law, the Law Commission had said that second marriage is ‘against the spirit of the true law of Islam’. Also, the common understanding that the law of Muslims in India allows them to have four wives is wrong.

Is four-four marriages allowed in Islam
Traditional Sunni and Shia Islamic marital jurisprudence allows Muslim men to marry multiple women, a practice known as polygamy in India. According to Professor Junaid Haris, associated with Jamia Millia Islamia, more than one marriage has been allowed in Islam, but it has neither been made mandatory nor has it been said to promote it, but some conditions have also been kept for it. Are. Four marriages can be done by that man, who can do justice between his wives and fulfill their rights. They say that Islam does not allow that whoever wants to misuse this facility.

  • According to Sharia (law), Muslims are allowed to practice polygamy. However, a man can have up to four wives only if he is afraid of injustice being done to unmarried orphan girls.
  • According to Muslim marriage laws in India, a man can have 4 wives, but a woman can have only one husband at a time.

In countries like Iran and Pakistan, if a man wants to remarry, he has to take permission from his first wife and then show court proof of his first wife’s consent. At the same time, in Malaysia, a man has to take permission from both his wife and the government authority to perform a second marriage.

Polygamy banned in these countries

  • Egypt (1920)
  • Sudan (1929)
  • algeria
  • Jordan (1951)
  • Syria (1953)
  • Morocco (1958)
  • Bangladesh
  • Iraq (1959)
  • Iran (1967, 1975)
  • Kuwait
  • lebanon


In which countries Muslims are allowed more than one marriage?
1. Afghanistan
2. Algeria
3. Pakistan
4. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
5. Cameroon

Apart from these, governments in India, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore recognize polygamy, but only for Muslims. In Australia, polygamous marriage is illegal, similarly it is illegal for anyone to be polygamous in England and Wales.

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