Frightened by India-US defense deal, Pakistan lodges objection in front of US, these are the two main reasons

During PM Modi’s visit to America, many important agreements were signed between the two countries ranging from defense to space. Important in the defense deal was the agreement between America’s General Electric and India’s government Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. Under which advanced fighter jet engines for indigenous light combat aircraft will be made in India only. This will increase the strength of the Indian Air Force. On the other hand, PM Modi and US President Joe Biden announced a mega deal on the purchase of General Atomics MU-9 Reaper armed drones. This drone is very important for the security of India.

Pakistan’s newspaper The Express Tribune has claimed in its report that Pakistan lodged its objection to the Indo-US defense deal through its diplomatic channel and termed it as a threat to its national interest. This objection of his is absolutely wrong. Pakistan only understands old things that its only enemy is India. Pakistan should understand that now the enemy for India is China. China is also a concern for America. Pakistan’s own condition is very bad.

India does not give importance to Pakistan

Pakistan is more in danger not from India but from itself. The people of Pakistan are in more danger than the army there. Their economy is in bad condition. There is 38 percent inflation. In such a situation, to divert the attention of the public from hunger, it is focusing on the India-America deal, which has no merit. As far as India is concerned, now it is a global economy. It has the third largest army. The largest standing army is Others don’t have such a big army.

As per our policy, we do not attack ourselves, rather we defend ourselves. Pakistan is struggling with its own problems, in which the public itself attacked the Mianwali airbase there. Attacked at the Corps Commander’s place. Dismissal is going on in Pakistan Army. In such circumstances, such baseless allegations are being made.

Pakistan not able to retaliate
Pakistan said on Indo-US deal that it can retaliate. The question is arising that what can he do to retaliate? Retaliatory action will be on the people of Pakistan or there will be more starvation or more inflation, what retaliatory action does he want to take? And how is it threatened by India when it is itself a nuclear power.

The problem is that the army has kept democracy in a pot in Pakistan. In Pakistan, whatever is called by the Wazir-e-Kharjah, the Foreign Ministry there speaks. As far as India is concerned, Hindustan Aeronautics will now be made in India only after making an agreement with American company GE. This Light Combat Aircraft is much needed to meet our defense requirements.

Similarly there is a drone. Be it the Ukraine war or the earlier wars, we are getting very dangerous drones. Along with technology transfer, this is our policy. So that we don’t depend completely on the supplier and make it ourselves. This is the agreement we make in every deal.

The main reason for the fear of Pakistan

Ever since America left Afghanistan, Pakistan is no longer so important for it. Pakistan has now sat in the lap of China. This is also not acceptable to America. Now they have stopped getting dollars and are about to default. In such a situation, what is the only option left with them now? Why would India attack Pakistan? India did not even attack Bangladesh. Even now the condition of Pakistan is the same. Balochistan, Sindh.. There is a different mess in Karachi. Everyone is fed up with Punjab and Punjabis are also fed up with the Punjabi army. 

In whose internal situation, inflation has increased so much, who is the biggest leader, we have seen his condition that he has done 180 cases, in such a situation, Pakistan need not be afraid of India. But he is definitely traveling through his own system. Which is their system of government, by Pakistan Army, it has defamed the armies of the world.

We are very sorry that once he used to be our part, but today if you ask the people there, PM Modi is the most popular for them too. We celebrate Vibhishika Divas on 14th August only. There were so many murders that day, for which Jinnah and Nehru are held responsible. 80 percent people of Pakistan want to meet again in India. 
[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. ये जरूरी नहीं कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही जिम्मेदार है.]

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