Macron government alert after violent protests in France, deployment of 40 thousand policemen

France: Paris, the capital of France, is facing turbulent and angry protests these days. In fact, the Paris police shot and killed a teenager for violating traffic rules. After which there is a ruckus. In such a situation, French Interior Minister Gerald Dermanin has said that about 40,000 policemen will be deployed across France to stop the protests. Also, 5,000 policemen will be deployed in Paris.

French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned the violent clashes and unrest in Paris. On Thursday (June 29) he said that the way public buildings were attacked, arson took place at many places, it was absolutely unfair. Since the murder of the youth, there have been incidents of arson and vandalism across the city. Hundreds of people have been detained by the police.

Tell you some important points, which will make it easy to understand why the uproar continues in the capital of France, Paris?

1- In fact, 17-year-old Nahel was shot dead by a policeman for breaking traffic rules in Nanterre, a suburb of Paris, the capital of France. Since then protests started in France. The video of the incident has gone viral on social media, in which the policeman can be seen shooting the teenager.

2- After this incident, all the football stars, celebrities and political people of the country and the world expressed their indignation over the murder of 17-year-old Nahel, which caused an uproar in France.

3- Around 150 people have been arrested across the country amid the rising ruckus. After the second day of uproar, French President Emmanuel Macron chaired a government crisis meeting on Wednesday morning.

4- French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has termed such protests, arson, sabotage as a ‘night of intolerable violence against the symbols of the republic’.

5- Government spokesman Oliver Veran criticized the violent turn of the protests, saying that seeing the kind of violent protests that have taken place, it does not seem that justice is being demanded. Looking at this demonstration, it seems that its aim is to attack the republic.

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