This river of Japan turned red with the color of blood, people were scared to see the water, the video went viral

Japan: A picture from Japan is going viral on social media. In which it can be seen that the water of a river has turned red. The local people are angry seeing the water of the river in the color of blood. However, in reality it was due to a leakage problem in a beer company located near the river.

Actually, the whole matter is of Nago city located in Okinawa, Japan. Where people expressed anger over this incident and condemned it on social media. After the incident, the local beer factory Orion Breweries has apologized to the people. Also explained the reason behind it. It was told by the beer company that this leak happened from the company’s cooling system.

Because of this the color of the water turned red.

It was informed by the company that the water of the river turned red due to propylene glycol. Although the company also said that this will not affect the health of the people. The company assured the public that there was no health risk associated with the color change, but acknowledged the inconvenience and concern it was causing to the community, the BBC reported.

people angry on social media

As soon as the news of the red color of the river water spread in the city, people started sharing their reactions on social media. Some described the scene as horrifying, while others compared it to something poisonous. The local people were surprised to see the sudden change in the color of the water.

According to an independent report, the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry has stated that propylene glycol, commonly used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, is generally recognized as safe.

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