Pakistani man got angry on Shehbaz Sharif’s government, said- ‘There is no politics in our country, there is goonda raj’

Pakistan Economic Condition: At present, the political environment in Pakistan is disturbed. Because of this, the people of Pakistan are very upset. Talking on this issue, when Pakistani YouTuber Shoaib Malik wanted to know the opinion of the public, the anger was clearly visible in the public. Hatred for Pakistani politicians was clearly visible in his mind. The biggest reason for this is that the people of Pakistan have to suffer the punishment for the failures of the government. The biggest example of this is the poor economic condition of the country.

In a viral video from Pakistan, when YouTuber asked an elderly man a question related to rising inflation in Pakistan, the elderly man angrily replied that whoever comes to the government here, the prices of anything are not the same. Are. There is no politics in our country, there is goon rule. Speaking further, the person said that the inflation in Pakistan would hardly be in any other country.

‘The fault of the rulers sitting in the government’
It is well known that at present Pakistan is passing through a very bad phase. Apart from all this, a Pakistani person said that the government here only thinks about itself.

She thinks that the money she has spent to join the government should be recovered. After this, forget the false promises made and make the people happy by doing a little work on the last occasion.

‘Inflation in Pakistan is done deliberately’
Talking about the business point of view, the Pakistani person said that we should do business with any country. The government should do the work which benefits the public. This will only benefit the people living in the country and not the other people. At the same time, the Pakistani person said that inflation in Pakistan is done deliberately.

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