The team that found the wreckage of the missing Titan submarine apologized, know the reason

Submarine Accident: Recently, to see the wreckage of the Titanic, the Titan Submarine had become a victim of the accident. 5 people had died in this accident. After hard work, the wreckage of the submarine was recovered. Members of the rescue team retrieved the wreckage under 12,500 feet of water. Remembering this whole mission, Edward Cassano, who led the rescue team, became emotional.

Addressing a press conference, he said with moist eyes that it is a matter of great sadness for all of us that our rescue operation turned into recovery. It was a very complex operation and fraught with danger. Perhaps such an operation, which our team will not be able to forget.

There was pressure during the rescue operation

In a press conference at the headquarters of his company (Pelagic Research Services), Edward Cassano said that as soon as he and his colleagues left for their mission under the sea on 22 June, the whole team was under different pressure. He told that when several high-definition cameras sent pictures of the debris, they were horrifying. These pictures were disturbing for all of us.

He further said emotionally that I will have to apologize. We could not succeed in our rescue operation. We could not save the lives of the passengers aboard the Titan Submarine. He further said that my team colleagues are feeling helpless right now. It will take some time for all of us to forget this incident.

we were far from the missing submarine

According to the AP report, Cassano described his underwater rescue operation when his team reached the place where the Titan landed in the North Atlantic. So there were already 10 ships and planes present. Which was part of Rahat and Bachal Dal. He further said that one of the vessels ‘Deep Energy’ was also present, which usually lays pipes and cables in deep water. Deep Energy also had access to a depth of 2,700 metres. But the debris of the missing Titan was located about 3,810 meters under water on the ocean floor.

Significantly, the submarine, which was going to show the wreckage of Titanic, exploded about one and a half hours after diving into the sea. Due to this, a total of five passengers along with two billionaires aboard the submarine were killed immediately. This incident shook the whole world.

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