Do you also feel tired and sleepless throughout the day, it may be kidney disease, know these symptoms

Unhealthy Kidney: For a healthy body, it is necessary that all the parts of the body should function completely healthy. But many times due to lack of information, we do not get to know about the disease of our essential organs and get sick. Something similar happens with the kidney. If seen, kidney is one of the very important parts of our body because along with filtering the blood of the whole body, it also does the important work of detoxifying the body. In such a situation, if the kidney becomes ill, then the body can become a victim of many diseases as well as blood infection and poisoning. In such a situation, it is necessary that the symptoms of kidney weakness and deterioration can be identified at the right time so that the body remains out of danger. Let us know about some such symptoms which indicate the symptoms of unhealthy kidney.

persistent fatigue

If you are constantly tired or feel weakness in the body all the time, then it is not right to ignore it as a normal thing. This can be a primary symptom of your kidney failure. Actually, when the kidney is not able to function properly, then the detox substances of the body are not able to be filtered completely and they start collecting in the body itself. In such a situation, toxins start forming in the body due to which fatigue and weakness start to be felt.

lack of sleep

Lack of sleep i.e. sleep apnea can also be a sign of unhealthy kidney. Actually, when the kidney is sick, it completely prevents the body from taking oxygen, due to which there is a lot of lack of sleep. Therefore, if you are not able to sleep or are not able to get enough sleep, then you must get your kidney checked.

skin problems

Skin problems can also be a sign of unhealthy kidney. When the kidney is not able to filter the blood properly, then toxins get accumulated in the blood and it causes skin problems. Red rash on the skin, itching, dryness of the skin, these are all symptoms that show that your kidney is not working properly.

swelling of hands and feet

If swelling is visible on your face along with hands and feet, then ignoring it can be dangerous because it is a sign of kidney failure. When the kidney does not work properly, then it is not able to filter the extra salt i.e. sodium from the body and water retention starts in the body, due to which there is swelling on the hands, feet and face. Sometimes due to kidney failure, there is swelling around the eyes. This should also be taken seriously and kidney test should be done.

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