Now common trust people, the people of Pakistan made fun of the new formula of Foreign Ministry

Pakistan Mango Diplomacy: Pakistan, which is struggling with economic poverty, is doing new experiments, so that the condition of the country becomes better. Along with this, the relations of Pakistan should once again improve with the countries of the world. Shahbaz Sharif’s government has made mango its new weapon for this. Actually, these days Pakistan is gifting mangoes to countries around the world. However, the people of Pakistan are making fun of the new formula of the Foreign Ministry.

According to the report of Zee News, these days Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry is engaged in sending boxes of mangoes to the whole world. For this, officials of the Ministry of External Affairs have been hired. The government believes that countries around the world have kept distance during the bad days of Pakistan. In such a situation, Pakistan has made a plan to strengthen its relations through Mango Diplomacy.

Pakistan gifted mangoes to more than 50 countries

According to the report, Shahbaz Sharif’s government has so far sent Pakistani mangoes to more than 50 countries. Which includes countries like Gulf countries, Europe, China and Bangladesh. The interesting thing is that the responsibility has been given to the top officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan to take care of the mango boxes.

officers have been put to work

According to the report, a list of 14 people has been made in the UAE government, who have been gifted mangoes according to their position. Not only this, instructions have been written on the mango boxes sent by Pakistan. Due to which it has been told to save them from getting spoiled. Along with this, the government is asking Pakistani embassies and high commissions to take these boxes and deliver mangoes to the presidents and ministers of those countries.

After this initiative of the Government of Pakistan, Pakistani people themselves are giving different reactions. Pakistanis believe that this way of gifting mangoes has brought disrepute to their country. This will once again make fun of Pakistan all over the world.

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