Why did Pakistanis get angry when Bilawal Bhutto arrived with his sister on Japan tour? know the reason

Bilawal Bhutto in Japan: Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari arrived on a four-day visit to Japan on Saturday. Bilawal has reached Japan on the invitation of the government. Whose information he himself tweeted. However, on reaching Japan, seeing the picture shared by him, Pakistanis got angry.

Actually, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has gone with his sister Asifa Bhutto Zardari on Japan tour. On which the common people of the country including the opposition are also raising questions. Users on social media are questioning that what was the need for Bilawal Bhutto to take his sister on the Japan tour.

Some people are asking why Bilawal is taking his family on trips at the expense of the government. The opposition party PTI says that the country is on the verge of becoming a defaulter and families of politicians are roaming abroad with taxpayers’ money.

Bilawal Bhutto himself shared the pictures

Significantly, on Sunday, Bilawal Bhutto shared pictures of his Japan tour. In which his sister Asifa also appeared with him. Seeing which the people of Pakistan got angry. PTI leader and Imran Khan Ali Awan, who is close to him, tweeted that what a waste of taxpayers’ money is not cruelty.

Pakistan is a victim of economic pauperism

He wrote in his tweet that this is the foreign minister of a country whose economy is on the verge of default and this foreign minister is roaming around the world with a large family, which includes his sister. Bilawal, who likes democratic values, can he tell in what capacity Asifa is accompanying him on his foreign trips? Is it not cruel to use the taxpayers’ money of a country which is on the verge of bankruptcy?

Along with this, users asked various questions to Bilawal Bhutto. A user named Zeeshan Khan asked who bore the expenses of Asifa’s travel. At the same time, a user wrote that congratulations Pakistani slaves, now Asifa has also become our ruler.

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