How Much Water Should You Drink During Monsoon Season? Know the answer from the expert

Drinking water is very important to stay healthy and healthy. Because drinking water not only removes the problem of dehydration, but also gets rid of constipation and many other problems related to the body. Health experts recommend drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily. We feel more thirsty in the summer season. That’s why we drink more water too. However, as the weather changes, so does our need to drink water.

You must have noticed that as much thirst as we feel in the summer, we do not feel that much thirsty in the winter season. People drink less water in the winter season, but still do not feel the problem of dehydration. In the same way, people feel less need of water in monsoon i.e. rainy season. But it does not mean at all that if you are not thirsty then you should not drink water. Now the question arises that how much water should you drink daily in monsoon and why?

Keep yourself hydrated in every season

According to a TOI report, a nutritionist told that our body is made up of 70 per cent water. When there is a lack of water in the body, due to dehydration the cells shrink and cannot function properly. Cells need a lot of water to do their work properly. A person should keep himself hydrated in every season.

How much water to drink in monsoon?

Nutritionists tell that if you have Pitta problem, then you should drink three or three and a half liters of water daily to keep yourself cool. Also, if you have Kapha, you naturally absorb water. If you are of Vata nature, then you may not feel thirsty throughout the day and feel tired later. People with Vata should drink up to 8 glasses of water daily. Water removes Vata. It balances pitta dosha and prevents aggravation of phlegm.

Drinking plenty of water cures many diseases

Whether it is summer, winter or monsoon, you must drink plenty of water in every season. Because with the changing weather, the risk of many diseases also increases and water can help you a lot in protecting against them. Drinking this keeps your body hydrated. Immunity gets a boost. It helps to remove toxins from the body. Problems related to liver, stomach and kidney are less. Overall, you should not leave the company of water in any season. Even if you are not feeling thirsty, do drink water to keep yourself hydrated.

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