Gopalganj, In Bihar, the government of CM Nitish Kumar has also started running bulldozers. The latest case is of Gopalganj in Bihar. On Wednesday (July 6) evening in Gopalganj, the administration started a bulldozer at BJP MLC Rajeev Kumar Singh (BJP MLC Rajeev Kumar SIngh). Rajeev Singh has a luxurious house near Banjari turn of Nagar police station area. The bulldozer of the district administration has run on the boundary wall and gate of the house.
Encroachment not removed even after notice
In this whole matter, the district administration says that by encroaching on the land of NH-27, the BJP MLC got the boundary of the house done. He was already issued a notice for this. The encroachment was not removed even after the notice was issued. After this, action has been taken by running a bulldozer.