Why was the government alerted from Germany to Israel on the death of a 17-year-old Nahel in France?

The police firing of 17-year-old teenager Nahel in France has resulted in widespread violence, vandalism and arson. Thousands of vehicles were burnt and about three thousand shops were looted. So far, about 2400 people have been arrested, but the violence that has been going on for the last one week has not stopped there yet. In the meantime, this incident has spread from Germany to Israel and all these countries are on alert after this incident. 

The incident that happened, the death of Nahel in the fire, was actually a boy of Algerian origin. He lived in the suburbs of Paris. For the last few years, it has been seen that discrimination on the basis of race is increasing in the French society and its reflection is also being seen in the French police. Change is also coming in politics and society. This was an incident in which Nahel broke the traffic rules,  the police could have chased Nahel and punished him, but he was shot point blank. Last year also around 31 people were shot, without any warning or arrest, so there are racial issues in the French police, and a debate is going on in the French society – others vs us, this incident That is the result of that.  

Government acted, society has to do 

The French government immediately caught that policeman, put him in jail and started an investigation. Despite this, the violence increased, because a racial gap is forming in the whole society. This is also a political matter. Although, almost all the parties in France condemned it in one voice, but the reason has to be found as to why this happened? Why the police force is becoming so aggressive, what could have been handled easily, how it was increased so much, all this should also be asked. There is a little rebellious nature in teenage, breaking the law etc. also feels like a thrill, so there are solutions for that. Could have stopped him, arrested him, but where is the justice in just shooting him straight? Whatever explanation the police give, it is wrong and there can be no other opinion. 

A concern for refugees 

French society has always been liberal, liberal. This society has also been liberal regarding migrants. When the migration-crisis happened in 2016, we should remember that only the French and Germans brought them inside. Many countries like Hungary, Italy etc. were taking a strict stand on this. He also celebrated other European countries. The French Society was an example. Now if this is happening there then it is a matter of concern. Therefore, not only Germany, all countries are keeping an eye on this whole matter. All these places, whether it is Germany or Israel, there are refugees everywhere, so every country is keeping an eye on it. The talk of France could have spread all over the country. You see that whether it is Pink Revolution or Arab Revolution, they spread rapidly from one place to another. Being a transnational matter, all countries are worried. 

Polarization in French society 

Polarization has increased in French society for a few days regarding refugees. Meanwhile, their number has also increased rapidly. Then, whether it is a matter of job market or resources, there has been a racial divide regarding that. Meanwhile, the number of refugees has also increased very fast. So, those who are natives feel somewhere that their rights are being snatched away. Refugees are thinking that they are not getting what they should get. The divide has reached a boiling point. 

This is a direct question mark on French President Macron. He has been taking the lead on any issue in Europe, but when all this is happening in his own country, then there is a big question. Within Europe, questions will continue to be raised on the leadership of France and especially Macron. Although efforts are on to improve the situation, the French football team has also appealed. Political parties are also appealing and it is possible that these riots will also stop in a few days, but it is very important to start a dialogue between all communities and communities, it is very important to bridge this racial divide.

[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. ये जरूरी नहीं कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही जिम्मेदार है.]

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