Is Tibet ready to become part of China? What did the Dalai Lama say about the issue of independence, know

Tibet Dalai Lama on China: Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama said that he is ready for talks with China on the problems of Tibetans. Talking to reporters in Dharamsala ahead of his visit to Delhi and Ladakh, he said the Chinese wanted to reach out to him, either officially or informally.

Dalai Lama said that I am always ready to talk. Now China has also realized that the spirit of Tibetan people is very strong, so they want to contact me to deal with Tibetan problems. I am also ready.

‘We are not asking for independence’
When asked if he wanted to resume talks with China, the Dalai Lama said, “We are not seeking independence, we have decided for many years that we will remain part of the People’s Republic of China . Now China is changing. The Chinese want to contact me, officially or unofficially”. I was born in Tibet and my name is Dalai Lama, but besides working for the benefit of Tibet, I am also working for the welfare of all sentient beings.

“I have done everything I could without losing hope or giving up my determination,” said the Tibetan spiritual leader. A tough approach has been adopted. In fact, China has historically been a Buddhist country, as I saw many temples and monasteries when I visited the land.

The Dalai Lama celebrated his 88th birthday on July 6.
The Dalai Lama said that knowledge of Tibetan culture and religion can benefit the world at large. I believe that there is wisdom within Tibetan culture and religion that can benefit the world at large. However, I also respect all other religious traditions, as they encourage their followers to develop love and compassion.

He further said, “According to the signs of my own dreams and other predictions, I expect to live more than 100 years. I have served others till now and I am determined to continue.

Please pray for my long life on the same basis.” Let us tell you that on July 6, the Dalai Lama celebrated his 88th birthday and visited the main Tibetan temple compound near his residence in Dharamsala. On this occasion, the PM of India Narendra Modi Congratulated

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