Dear ladies… Rs 50 will be a thousand rupees D-Tan cleanup… Learn here how

De-Tan Cleanup At Home: Often due to dust pollution and traveling in the sun, there is a problem of tanning on the face. Skin looks dull and faded. Because of which women have to visit the parlor every month to get the D-tan cleanup done. Moreover, the pocket also becomes very loose in getting it done. But now you can easily cleanup at home without going to the parlour. It will not cost you much money nor will there be any side effects. Let’s know how.

Cleansing- Cleansing is the first stage of a de tan cleanup. Cleansing is very important. You need curd for cleansing. a spoon. You have to apply curd all over the face and massage the face in circular motion with the help of fingers. After this, you clean the face. Using curd in cleansing can give many benefits to the face. It contains Vitamin C and lactic acid, which cleanses the skin and helps in toning the face.

scrubbing- Scrubbing is the second step in the de-tan cleanup. Scrubbing removes the accumulated dirt on the face. Dead skin cells come out. The problem of tanning also goes away. To scrub the face, you need one spoon of lentils and one spoon of honey. Grind the lentils coarsely. Add honey to it and apply it on the face and massage the face for 5 minutes.

Face Mask-The last and most important step is to apply face pack. This gives nourishment to the skin. Skin heals from deep within. For this you need one teaspoon coffee powder, one teaspoon flour and one teaspoon curd. Mix all these things together and make a paste. Then leave it on the face for a while. When the pack dries, you clean it. After this, apply moisturizer on the face. The antioxidant present in coffee makes the skin glowing.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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