‘It is a lie that the economy is weak’, claims the Foreign Minister of Afghanistan – now the revolution has come

Afganistan: Taliban-ruled Afghanistan has been in headlines in recent times due to its anti-women policies. Afghanistan is being criticized all over the world. In such a situation, the acting Foreign Minister of Afghanistan Amir Khan Muttaki has given a big statement on the economy of Afghanistan.

According to the report of Tolonews, Afghanistan’s Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaki claimed that these days a lot of propaganda is being spread in Afghanistan that the country’s economy has become weaker than before. But it is not true. Muttaki said the money in the country was being used for projects instead of war supplies and weapons. He said that earlier giving drugs to four million addicts was also considered an economy. But now it is not so.

Global sanctions did not affect

He said that the earlier economy was not beneficial for the country. But now revolution has come in the country. The Acting Foreign Minister himself further acknowledged that the country’s currency has remained stable due to the sanctions and pressures imposed on the current Afghan government by the international community. He also said that the country’s economy will grow by focusing on projects.

New achievement for Afghanistan

Amir Khan Muttaki assured the countrymen that your money has been given stability, borders are open, anyone can do business, there is no famine. This is an achievement for Afghan despite the sanctions and pressures at the global level. Although some experts believe that the international community has distanced itself from Afghanistan, due to which a situation of economic crisis has arisen in the country. Experts further say that due to increasing unemployment, a situation of crisis may arise in the coming times. In such a situation, the government will have to improve its foreign policies.

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