Do you also worry while sleeping… Is it anxiety, know why it happens only at night

Do you also worry while sleeping… Is it anxiety, know why it happens only at night

Anxiety : Most of the people complain that anxiety bothers them more at night. They are eaten by worry, a fear remains. As if there is no control over one’s own thoughts, emotions also do not take the name of stopping. By thinking more, the problem increases even more. But why this problem is happening more in the night itself. Let’s know the reason behind this…

What is anxiety

Anxiety is a kind of mental illness, in which tension increases a lot, anxiety starts troubling, nervousness is felt, fear remains. Due to this problem, daily routine, social relation, problems at workplace and health issues start coming. Anxiety can be depression and worrying more than usual. Not only this, it can also be a phobia. Due to this also many types of problems can occur. Health experts believe that by knowing the right reason, you can save yourself from worry and anxiety.

Why there is more anxiety at night

1. At night when everything is completely quiet, then we become alone. At that time only our thoughts stay together. That’s why thoughts run here and there more and cause problems like anxiety.

2. Fatigue can also promote negative thoughts. If there is more fatigue at night, then we start worrying. Due to which we start thinking more. This is also one of the main reasons for having anxiety at night.

3. The level of cortisol hormone decreases in the night. Due to which worrying thoughts start coming a lot and can increase anxiety.

4. Whatever work we do during the day, we have control over it. The reverse happens at night. At this time, there is absolutely no control over the surrounding environment, due to which there is more anxiety and can cause anxiety.

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