Pakistan behind India’s protest in the name of Khalistan from UK, Canada, Australia to US

In the past (on July 8), Khalistan supporters took out processions on the streets of Britain, Canada, Australia and America. Although, despite hard work, the crowd did not gather here, but the way the Indian Embassy officials were appealed to kill them with their names and photos, slogans like Kill India were raised, it has already made the Government of India frown. India has given a diplomatic-warning to all the four countries in a strict tone and said that the Khalistanis should be controlled without delay. Action is also being taken on them, but the way Pakistan is continuously inciting the alleged movement of Khalistan through its intelligence agency, it is definitely a matter of concern. 

Pakistan furious over Kashmir issue

For the last few years, we are seeing that Khalistanis are getting support from these four countries. The supporters of Khalistan are also more active in these countries, so we should also see that Pakistan has been very angry since the Indian government removed Article 370 from Kashmir in 2019. It has started executing its Kashmir policy again, from a new angle. In this period, Pakistan’s agenda is K-2 (i.e. Kashmir and Khalistan), due to which it is strongly supporting the Khalistanis. That’s why, a new group was also formed through ISI – Kashmir-Khalistan Referendum Front and in its guise all kinds of proper and improper actions are carried out. At present, Pakistan supplies drugs and weapons through drones in Punjab, and the same weapons then go to Kashmir.

India has even warned Pakistani agencies that the Kartarpur Corridor should not be used unnecessarily, which Pakistan has been doing till now. During the last Cricket World Cup, which was held in Britain, Khalistani used to come to the stadium wearing T-shirts with the referendum. An airplane was also passed over the stadium, on which Referendum-2020 was painted. After India’s strong objection, the British government declared a no-fly zone over the stadium and also banned the entry of such people into the stadium. Now we have seen that Khalistani terrorists are also trying to create anti-India sentiment regarding Nirjhar’s murder. They are protesting using his murder. In March, these terrorists hurled two grenades at the Canadian Embassy, ​​they ransacked the Consulate in San Francisco and a junior officer was also injured in it, they created ruckus in the Embassy in Britain too, we have seen that too. India has given a befitting reply to them through diplomacy and diplomacy.  

The situation is different this time

The picketing of July 8 is different in that earlier these pro-Khalistan supporters used to gather in hundreds, this time there was an unprecedented decrease in their numbers. In Britain, Australia, America and Canada also not more than 30-40 people gathered in their favor. In front of them, the migrants of India also opposed them. The number of Indians carrying the tricolor has been unprecedented. India is continuously registering its protest with these countries. Our Foreign Minister S Jaishankar has said that these people are taking illegal advantage of Freedom of Expression and their demonstrations are far from peaceful, they are raising slogans of Kill India, showing photos of embassy personnel and inciting them to kill Are. Seeing India’s tough stance, all these four countries have chosen to stand with India. If we talk about Canada, there is a sizeable number of Punjabis living there. Some of them should be kept in mind, they are only a few, they support Khalistan. The current government there, that of Justin Trudeau, is supporting them for the greed of few votes. Just a few days back, these Khalistanis had depicted the assassination of Indira Gandhi in a very crude manner. By the way, they should know that it is easy to create Bhasmasur, but it is equally difficult to control or destroy him. There is pressure on Trudeau and Canada, but he is ignoring his vote bank. 

Bhasmasur difficult to control

We have seen that during the Cold War the tribals were given weapons and today they are troubling the whole world by becoming Taliban. After that, we have seen how America is attacked and how the war against terror begins. America pays for it. So, it is better that these four countries also take a lesson from it and control these elements present here, then they themselves will be happy and the world will also be happy. Also, their relationship with India which is now the fifth largest economy in the world will not spoil them. As far as our diplomacy is concerned, it would be too early to declare it a failure. Action is being taken against the Khalistanis, India has continuously registered strong protests, that is why the number of protesters has also decreased. India is actually reacting to small incidents now, which we did not do earlier. India is being listened to. Whether it is America’s visit or Britain-Australia’s, from the PM to our foreign service officials have repeatedly reacted to these incidents and good results are also coming out. 

A little bit of history should also be remembered. Bangladesh was formed in 1971 and was formed because of India, this is also not hidden from anyone. That wound has since become a canker for Pakistan and since then it remains in a constant conspiracy against India. Since 2019, Pakistan is in double pain, because the special-status of Kashmir was abolished. Since then he is working vigorously on his K2 plan. However, the Government of India is continuously dealing with all these challenges. Drugs and weapons are being sent through drones in Punjab, but the government is thwarting those conspiracies. India has even told these four countries that if they have any kind of dilemma in their mind, they should also come to Punjab and see what is the situation here? This is the trepidation of Pakistan, which is coming to the surface again and again. Some Taliban terrorists have disappeared, some have been killed and ISI is now defaming India by linking RAW with them too. This is actually a case of diversion of funding, which has spread to different groups of Khalistanis and these people are fighting each other. 

[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. ये जरूरी नहीं कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही जिम्मेदार है.]

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