Country’s heaviest rocket will complete Chandrayaan Mission-3, know what India will achieve on the moon

Chandrayaan 3 Launch Mission: Today India is going to take another step in the world of space. Chandrayaan 3 mission will be launched from Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh at 2.35 pm. This mission, prepared at a cost of 615 crores, will land near the Moon’s South Pole after a journey of about 50 days.

Soft landing of the lander on the moon and rover will be seen running on the surface. However, landing the lander on the lunar surface is the most difficult task. Because the mission was spoiled due to the hard landing of Vikram Lander of Chandrayaan-2. Changes have been made in the thrusters of the lander of Chandrayaan-3. More sensitive sensors have been installed.

What will India get from Chandrayaan Mission-3
Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft will be launched through LMV 3 rocket. This rocket was earlier known as GSLV Mark III. The lander of Chandrayaan-3 will make a soft and safe landing on the lunar surface. After this the rover will come out of the lander. This rover will roam on the surface of the moon and collect all kinds of information and send it to ISRO.

The rover will send pictures of the lunar surface to ISRO. Along with this, he will check the soil there, report the environment, do chemical analysis and find the minerals present there.

The aim of ISRO is to make the lander soft landing in the south polar region of the moon. Earlier in September 2019, ISRO tried to land Vikram Lander on the moon through Chandrayaan-2 mission but it crashed.

characteristics of rocket
LMV 3 is the heaviest rocket of India. Its weight is about 640 tonnes. The length of this rocket is 43.5 meters, diameter is 5 meters and capacity is 200 kg. This rocket is capable of carrying half the weight up to 35 thousand km.

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