UK businessman kidnapped, three people of Indian origin caught, now jailed for 45 years

England Crime: Two Indian-origin brothers and an accomplice have been sentenced to 45 years in prison for kidnapping an industrialist in Wolverhampton City Center in the West Midlands region of England. Baljit Baghral (33), his brother David Baghral (28) and 22-year-old Shanu were found guilty in the case. The trio had ambushed the victim while he was walking towards his car after work in November last year.

Baljeet Baghral and his brother David Baghral had put the victim in a van and blindfolded him and taken him to a shop. They threatened him with violence and put a pistol to his head. Last month, Wolverhampton Crown Court found all three guilty after a trial and this week sentenced the brothers to 16 years each while their partner to 13 years and four months.

threatened to kill
Detective Constable Dan David, from the Major Crimes Investigation Team at Wolverhampton Crown Court, said the men subjected the victim to hours of horrific torture and threatened to kill her. David said that he had planned the kidnapping with the sole purpose of extorting a huge amount of money, but now he will have to serve the jail term.

Police informed that the victim was kept hostage for hours, after which he was released after taking a ransom of about 20 lakhs. After this, after being released from the clutches of the kidnappers, the industrialist called the police for help.

This is how the kidnappers were detected
West Midlands Police used CCTV, ANPR and mobile phone data to trace the kidnappers. After this, a group chat named Robbers Gang was also traced on Baljeet’s phone, which was created by David two days before the incident. David Baghral was arrested on 18 October at his home in Ganz Road, Lansfield, while Baljit was arrested at Birmingham Airport on his return from Cyprus.

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