Due to drought in Afghanistan, the situation of livestock farmers is bad

Afghanistan Bamyan Farmers: Farmers are complaining of lack of fodder due to drought in Afghanistan. Because of this, it has become very difficult for the people there to feed the animals.

According to Tolo News, livestock farmers in Afghanistan said on Sunday (July 16) that due to drought in Afghanistan’s Bamiyan province, animal fodder has decreased. Due to the scarcity of fodder, it has become very difficult to feed the animals.

decrease in income of cattle herders
Expressing grief over the challenges faced by the animals on a daily basis, the cattle rearers said, “Lack of fodder is not the only problem, but livestock rearing is also badly affected due to various types of diseases in the animals, due to which their income is very low. Has occurred.”

people have to sell their animals
Cattle herders of Bamiyan have claimed that livestock rearing was the only means of their livelihood, but now it is not possible for them to rear animals due to lack of fodder. According to animal husbandry Mohammad Aleem, drought and frequent breeding of insects have created challenges in front of the people, due to which the number of animals is decreasing every year.

Mohammad Baqir, another cattle herder, said 80 per cent of the people sold their animals due to disease and drought, as the situation worsened in his province due to lack of fodder.
What do cattle herders of Bamyan say?
According to Tolo News, a person named Mohammad Kazam, one of the cattle herders of Bamyan, has claimed that where he used to keep about 60 sheep at one time, now he is able to manage the fodder of only 10 sheep. Mohammad Kazem said, “The drought has affected me so much that I was rearing 50 or 60 sheep at a time and it was very easy for me. Now I am rearing only 10 sheep because of the drought and our children are taking care of them.” Are.

He further said, “Due to the drought, I have been forced to water the sheep. The human rights organization has provided relief and essential services to provide basic facilities to the families of the poor people living in Afghanistan, considering the condition of the poor people living in Afghanistan.

The plight of the people in Afghanistan
Please tell that with the passage of time the condition of the people in Afghanistan is getting worse. People are facing shortage of food and also facing a lot of problems and challenges to live. Also, the condition of women in Afghanistan has worsened.

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