First a 150-year-old temple was demolished in Pakistan, now the dacoits targeted another with a rocket launcher

Attack On Hindu Temple: A gang of dacoits attacked a temple with a rocket launcher on Sunday (July 16) in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province. This is the second incident of vandalism in a place of worship of the minority community in just three days. The attackers attacked a small temple built by the local Hindu community and nearby houses belonging to members of the minority community in Kashmore area of ​​Sindh province.

The attack comes two days after the Mari Mata Temple in Karachi’s Soldier Bazaar was demolished late on Friday (July 14) with a bulldozer in the presence of a heavy police force. This temple believed to be about 150 years ago in Karachi, the provincial capital of Sindh province, was declared an old and dangerous structure and demolished.

indiscriminate firing on the temple

The attackers fired indiscriminately at the temple on 16 July. After getting the information, a police unit under the leadership of Kashmore-Kandhakot SSP Irfan Sammo had to reach the spot. The police officer said that they fired “rocket launchers” at the place of worship. The temple was closed during the attack. He said that the temple opens every year for religious services organized by the Bagri community.

Search operation continues in the area

The attack happened on Sunday morning. When the police team reached the spot, the attackers fired indiscriminately and fled. Eight or nine gunmen were involved in the attack. Police say that the search operation is going on in the area. Both these incidents have put the local residents in panic. People demand that security be increased. SSP Samu assured the members of the Hindu community that they would be protected.

read this also:

Pakistan: Bulldozer fired at 150-year-old temple in Karachi, attempts were being made to grab the land for years

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