Sitaram Yechury told UCC a communal weapon, said – against Muslims…

CPIM On Uniform Civil Code: The Communist Party of India (Marxist) organized a national seminar in Kozhikode amidst the ongoing debate on Uniform Civil Code (UCC) across the country. During this, the CPI(M) termed the UCC as a communal weapon. The seminar was started by party general secretary Sitaram Yechury on Saturday (July 15). In which a large number of party leaders, ministers, religious leaders took part.

Describing the seminar as an important initiative, Yechury said that the CPI(M) does not believe that uniformity is equality. The party advocates equal rights not only between men and women, but also on the basis of caste, creed and gender. It is necessary that any reform of personal or customary laws in any community or class should be done in consultation with the specific communities and with the democratic participation of all.

Sitaram Yechury’s target on BJP

He further said that the UCC is a slogan to intensify communal polarisation, and not to actually achieve any unification. The Prime Minister said that there cannot be two laws in one house. What are these two laws? There are many different laws which are validated by our constitution. When they say that there cannot be two laws, it is very clear that this is an exercise in intensifying Muslim communal polarization in view of the 2024 general elections.

Talk of protest against UCC

Citing examples of abrogation of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir, law against love jihad, cow protection rules and Citizenship Amendment Act, Yechury said that in all these decisions the Muslim population of the country was targeted. Therefore, the suspicion that the UCC would be used for communal polarisation, became stronger in the context of events in the last decade under the BJP rule.

He also called for protests against the UCC. Almost all the speakers at the seminar accused the BJP-led central government of destroying the country’s diversity, attacking minorities, especially Muslims, and imposing Hindutva ideology.

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