Who is the most dangerous among dengue-malaria and chikungunya? Learn the symptoms and prevention of all three diseases

Mosquito Borne Disease: The risk of diseases caused by mosquitoes increases significantly in the rain. In conditions like heavy rains, water logging and floods, mosquitoes get a chance to thrive and in the monsoon and the months after that, patients of diseases like dengue-malaria and chikungunya are found in large numbers. According to a recent report, there has been a significant increase in the number of dengue patients in Delhi-NCR in the first 10 days of July. According to the doctor, dengue-malaria or chikungunya are very dangerous and every year many people die because of them. That’s why attention should be paid to avoid them. Only by understanding these three diseases, they can be effectively prevented. Let’s know the difference between the three…


A viral infection caused by dengue virus. Mosquitoes infected with this virus bite more during the day. That’s why people are advised to wear full sleeve clothes. Mild dengue can cause high fever and flu-like symptoms. In severe cases, bleeding, low blood pressure and even death can occur. There is a rapid reduction of platelets in the blood due to dengue fever. The biggest thing is that coming in contact with an infected person does not cause dengue fever. To avoid this, mosquitoes should be avoided.


Malaria is also dangerous like dengue. This disease is caused by parasite. Malaria is contracted by the bite of parasite-infected mosquitoes. In malaria, one feels cold by giving high fever and shivering. Malaria can also be serious. Due to this, liquid can accumulate in the lungs, due to which there is difficulty in breathing. Sometimes malaria can also damage the kidney-liver. However, this disease can be cured with medicines.


Chikungunya is also a disease caused by mosquitoes. It is spread by chikungunya virus (CHIKV). Its first symptoms are fever and rashes on the skin. Fever comes suddenly and remains very fast. Along with this, problems like joint pain, headache, nausea and vomiting can also occur. There is no specific antiviral medicine for chikungunya. It is treated like other diseases caused by mosquitoes. Patients who are in the grip of Chikungunya are advised to drink plenty of water and liquid.

Ways to avoid mosquito borne diseases

Adopt all methods to prevent mosquito bites.

Wear full sleeve clothes.

Keep the windows and doors closed while sleeping at night.

Use mosquito net. Avoid mosquito repellent coils.

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