Ash used to work in Punjab jail, used to get VVIP treatment… big disclosure about Mukhtar Ansari

ABP News Public Interest Show: ABP News, one of the trusted and leading news channel of the country, has launched its prime time show ‘Public Interest’. In this show, a big disclosure related to Mukhtar Ansari and Punjab has been made. How did a criminal run his crime company from inside the jail? How did you keep scaring people? Let us tell you how the whole system was brought to its knees for a convicted person.

This is not a film story, it all happened in reality. This happened in Punjab where Don Mukhtar Ansari stayed for two years, where he got VVIP treatment. Mukhtar Ansari is that name of the world of crime in UP, that mafia, whose mere mention used to make even the country’s largest province tremble. Two governments came face to face regarding the same don. Political favors have been showered on the same Mukhtar Ansari, who used to run his crime network from UP jail and collect extortion money.

Governments of two states fought for Mukhtar

One government showed the power of law to Mukhtar and the other came to the rescue of the don. The matter escalated so much that the governments of two states fought for two years regarding Mukhtar. From government papers to the biggest court, but the question is, why was the government of a state saving Mukhtar Ansari? Who all were present in Punjab as Mukhtar’s shield? Whom was Mukhtar afraid of in the jail of UP and how did this fear of Don emerge in Punjab.

Report submitted to CM Bhagwant Mann

In fact, after the change of power in Punjab, the Bhagwant Mann government got the Mukhtar Ansari case thoroughly investigated. Who gave facilities to Mukhtar Ansari in Punjab. Special DGP investigated it and there were big revelations in this investigation. The fire of investigation has reached the hem of former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh. It has been recommended to register a case against him.

This was revealed in the report

Another big leader of Punjab politics, the then Jail Minister Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa is also recommended for FIR. A case can be registered under corruption and sections 193, 218, 220 and 120B of the Indian Penal Code. The investigation report of Special DGP RN Dhoke has reached CM Bhagwant Mann. It is in the report that an FIR should also be lodged against the police and jail officials who made Ansari happy, that is, the police and jail department officials who helped the don will also be punished.

A deep political conspiracy was hatched

The investigation report of the Punjab government says that a big and deep political conspiracy was hatched behind the shifting of UP don Mukhtar Ansari to Punjab jail. The reason for the conspiracy was the fear of don Mukhtar who was not letting him sleep peacefully in Banda jail of UP. Now what was this fear, just understand that too. Actually in UP Yogi Adityanath After the coming of the government, action started on all the mafia dons.

Mukhtar used to fear in UP

Government bulldozers started roaring on unaccounted properties. Meanwhile, in the year 2018, the hearing of Mukhtar Ansari’s cases started in the fast track court of UP. Property worth crores of Mukhtar Ansari also came under the radar of bulldozer action. Now Mukhtar started fearing that if the legal action continues at a fast pace, he will start getting punished in many pending criminal cases. His crime will be accounted for and if this happens then he will never be able to bypass the system.

After this fear, Ansari started executing the plan for Punjab. Ansari used his high level relations with Punjab and then the master plan to shift to Punjab was prepared from inside Banda’s jail. This is clearly mentioned in the report. Now the question was that how would the mafia don who was lodged in UP jail reach Punjab from Banda.

FIR lodged in Mohali

The investigation report claims that the don got an FIR registered against him in Mohali by political manipulation. There was a Congress government in Punjab then. Captain Amarinder Singh was the Chief Minister. That is why questions are being raised on the role of the then Punjab government in the report. CM of Punjab Bhagwant Mann Has said that whether friends were kept in jail to maintain their friendship, whether the treasury of Punjab was looted from any side, it will be investigated and the punishment that is due will be given according to the law.

There are many more twists and suspense in this story. First let’s look at the facts of this FIR whose script was written by Don from Banda jail. In fact, on January 7, 2019, Mohali’s big builder Umang Jindal gave a complaint to the police. It was said in the complaint that a call was received on his mobile phone in which an Ansari from UP was speaking. He has asked for a ransom of Rs 10 crore. After which the Mohali police registered an FIR against Ansari.

Mukhtar was brought from UP to Punjab

After this, the next day i.e. on January 8, 2019, the Mohali police nominated UP’s Don Mukhtar Ansari in this case. On 17 January 2019 the production of Mukhtar Ansari was achieved and on 19 January 2019 Mohali Police left for Banda Jail in UP. On 21 January 2019, the team of Thanedar Harvinder Singh took Don into custody. Next day he was presented in Mohali court and remanded for one day.

After this, Don’s voice samples were taken and he was sent to jail. It has been written in the report of Special DGP RN Dhoke that due to the political setting of political links of Don in Punjab, the extortion FIR was registered. Questions have also been raised on the readiness of the police in this matter. On 24 January 2019, Mukhtar Ansari was shifted to Ropar Jail in Punjab, but after that what was the attitude of the Punjab Police. He surprised everyone.

Cases going on in UP’s fast track court stuck

In the report of the Special DGP, it was emphasized that UP’s don Mukhtar Ansari came to Punjab on the pretext of a criminal case and then was not ready to go to UP. The direct effect of this was that dozens of cases going on in the fast track court of UP got stuck on Mukhtar. After this, whenever the UP police asked for Ansari’s remand, excuses were made. In order to stop Ansari in Punjab, even a medical board of doctors was formed in the Captain Government.

The pressure was increasing on the Punjab government to send Don Ansari to UP. The maze of plot and setting was starting to weaken. In such a situation, another new conspiracy raised its head in Punjab, how big and deep was that conspiracy. In the report of the Punjab government, there was a more shocking revelation on this.

old case also opened

The report states that when the conspiracy to save the don started to weaken, the bundle of the 5-year-old case was opened afresh. The case was of untrace murder. In which Ansari was made the main accused. On 26 November 2014, a blind murder took place in Ropar’s Morida police station. There was no named accused in this case. The mystery of blind murder in Morinda was unsolved. Due to which the file of this case was closed in the year 2015.

After about four and a half years, this file was opened to save Ansari. As claimed in the report. The report of the Punjab Government states that on 27 May 2019, a fresh statement of the complainant was recorded in FIR No. 252 and this was done to strengthen the criminal record of Don Ansari in Punjab. Ansari was made an accused in the blind murder case in Morinda. Due to which the legal way to keep Ansari in Punjab for a long time was clear, but now his neck is stuck in this trick of Punjab Police.

What did the minister of Punjab government say?

Punjab minister Brahm Shankar Zimpa said that see previous governments have done different riggings. In this, if I talk about the time of Captain Sarkar of the previous government, then Ansari, who was kept in jail, has been given hospitality by the government. This is being proved. These things are coming to the fore. It is surprising that the UP government was asking for Ansari and they were not giving it to him.

Returned to UP on the order of the Supreme Court

The order of the Supreme Court came in the year 2021 between the nexus of the then Captain Sarkar and his police. After which Ansari had to be sent back to UP, but here also Captain Sarkar crossed all limits of mercy on Don. The game was that in the murder case in which Ansari was made accused. His file also had to be closed again. Because his ploy failed in the Supreme Court. That’s why the complainant of that 2014 case was called again and this time his statement was taken not to implicate Ansari but to make him innocent.

It is possible that this discrepancy would remain hidden in the police file, but the affidavit given by the jailer in the Supreme Court to defend Ansari exposed the police department. The affidavit mentions the entire blind murder case and this affidavit is now a part of the Punjab government’s Mukhtar file. Which screams and testifies that in the Captain government of Punjab, so many messes happened for the sake of Don.

Got VVIP treatment in jail

Now tell you the most shocking facts about the VVIP treatment received by Mukhtar Ansari. The barrack in Ropar Jail where Mukhtar Ansari was kept had space for 35 prisoners, but Mukhtar lived alone in the barrack. It is written in the report that the barracks of 35 people were vacated for Don. The Punjab Police itself used to protect the don in the barracks.

There was no entry in the jail register of those who met Don. Mukhtar’s influence was such that in Ropar jail, the don used to meet his guests in the jail superintendent’s office. It is also rumored that Don Mukhtar Ansari used to meet his wife in Punjab Jail and his wife used to stay there as well. Whenever someone came to meet the don, the CCTV cameras installed in the jail were switched off. Only Mukhtar Ansari knows what used to happen behind the camera.

The news about Mukhtar Ansari’s fun inside Ropar Jail was also known to the rest of the ministers and bureaucrats of Captain Sarkar. It has been written in the investigation report that Punjab’s DGP Intelligence had sent letters to the jail officers twice informing them about Mukhtar’s syndicate. The UP official had also written a letter to the Amarinder government on the use of the don’s phone inside the jail, but no action was taken on both these inputs.

Wanted to spend jail life in Ropar only

Overall, it should be understood that Mukhtar Ansari wanted to spend his jail life in Ropar only because his luxury was taken care of inside and outside Ropar jail. Mukhtar’s family lived just a short distance from the jail, and inside the jail, senior officials of the Punjab government used to take care of Mukhtar. On the other hand, the Yogi government of UP was trying its best to pull the mafia out of Ropar’s paradise.

Two of Mukhtar’s disciples used to take care that there should be no disturbance in Mukhtar Ansari’s wealth in Ropar Jail, there should be no shortage in his VVIP treatment. One was Chandrika alias Chandu and the other’s name was Rahul. It has been revealed in the report that for Mukhtar, the then SSP of Ropar engaged the policemen in the jail as guards to protect the don. For this deployment, the Punjab Police cited Mukhtar Ansari’s criminal past and security threat. Ansari is currently lodged in Banda jail in UP.

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