Do you sleep on thick pillows? Leave this habit immediately, otherwise these diseases will follow after washing hands

Getting enough sleep is very important to stay healthy and active. Because insomnia can have a bad effect on your everyday work and health can also be affected. People choose the most comfortable posture while sleeping. Everyone has their favorite form of gold. Some people use pillows while sleeping, while some people prefer to sleep without pillows. Apart from these, there are some people who cannot sleep without using two pillows or a thick pillow.

There are many people who find it comfortable to keep their head elevated while sleeping. That’s why they use two pillows. Are you also one of these people? If the answer is ‘yes’ then know that you are playing with your body. By applying a thick pillow or by applying two pillows together, you may have to face many problems. According to the report of Healthline, by applying a thick pillow, you may have to face these physical problems.

Disadvantages of applying thick pillow

1. Pain in the neck: Applying a thick pillow while sleeping can cause neck pain. This pain can make your everyday activities difficult. If you do not want to face the problem of neck pain, then always use thin and soft pillows only.

2. Backbone pain: Applying a thick pillow can also cause pain in the spine. Because thick pillows work to twist the spine.

3. Blood Circulation: By applying a thick pillow, the head becomes high, due to which the blood circulation in the skull is not done properly. Not only this, the hair also does not get proper nutrition.

4. Pain in hands and shoulders: The problem of pain is often seen in the shoulders and hands of people who use a high pillow. Many people complain of pain in the shoulders as soon as they wake up in the morning. To avoid this, always use a medium size pillow.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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