Action for Sonia Gandhi’s mission 2024, who will give tension? Surprised by the answers of the people in the survey

ABP C Voter Survey: The bugle has sounded for the 2024 mega-fight. On July 18, when the constituents of NDA met in Delhi, the opposition parties also showed their strength in Bengaluru. The special thing is that whether it is BJP or Congress, both have started a campaign to unite small parties. On behalf of the Congress, Sonia Gandhi herself is in action mode for this. Regarding this, C-Voter has conducted an All India survey for ABP News, in which shocking answers have been received.

In the survey, people were asked whether Sonia Gandhi’s activism to unite the opposition parties would strengthen the opposition? On this 51 percent people answered yes. 39 percent people believe that this will not happen, while 10 percent people have no clear opinion about it.

All India Survey

Will Sonia Gandhi’s activism to unite the opposition parties strengthen the opposition?

Source- C Voter
Yes-51 %
No – 39 %
Don’t know – 10 %

Inviting Small Parties Master Stroke?

In the quick survey, the public was also asked whether it is a masterstroke to invite small parties in the meeting of opposition parties? 55 percent of the public is saying yes to it, while 31 percent people have not answered it. There are 14 percent who adopted the option of ‘don’t know’, that is, they are not clear about it.

Who will replace Rahul Gandhi?

In the survey, an interesting answer came out from the public on a question asked about who after Rahul Gandhi. Actually, after the sentencing of Rahul Gandhi, he has lost his membership of Parliament and cannot even contest elections. He appealed in the High Court regarding this but has not got any relief yet. On this, the public was asked that after Rahul Gandhi did not get relief, who should the opposition put forward?

The answer given by the public on this question is very interesting. Priyanka Gandhi is at number 1 after Rahul Gandhi. 33 percent people have agreed to put forward Priyanka Gandhi. Nitish Kumar and Arvind Kejriwal are on par. Both have been described as suitable to replace Rahul Gandhi by 14 percent people. Mamta Banerjee is at number four with 10 percent votes. 29 percent people have no opinion about this.

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