Mahoba: Government school swimming pool built in rain, administration not taking action despite complaint

Mahoba: The Uttar Pradesh government has issued several guidelines to improve the education system. However, due to the negligence of the responsible people in the rural areas, the system of government schools is so bad that even the children coming to the school have to face problems. The condition of a government school in Panwadi block of Mahoba district is so bad that the problem of water logging in the school premises arises during the rainy season. In this waterlogging, school children are forced to come to school with bags on their heads. Sometimes children also get injured due to such situation.

This problem is arising due to the encroachment in the drainage systems of the government school, on which neither the village head nor the officials of the Basic Education Department are paying attention. This case of waterlogging is related to the former secondary school located in Haivatpura Khangaran village under Panwadi block of the district. More than 150 children are studying in this school. According to the local people, the CC road was constructed on the road adjacent to the school and the contractor, acting arbitrarily, closed the drain made for the drainage of the school, besides this, the drain has been forcibly occupied at many places. Because of this, the rain water does not drain out, in such a situation, this school is less visible than a swimming pool.

Students fall and get injured in Jhabrao

Many times students fall and get injured due to waterlogging in the school, due to which their books and notebooks get damaged. Despite all this, the administration has not taken any comprehensive steps to solve the problem. In this regard, the Principal of the school, Nandram, has informed the officials of the Basic Education Department about the problems being faced in the school by giving a written application, but still the problem remains the same. Kamlesh, a student studying in this school, and Vinay, a student, told that children fall into the water during the rains and their bags get filled with water.

Children refuse to come to school due to lack of facilities – parents

According to Brijgopal, a parent studying in the school, children refuse to come to school due to lack of better facilities in the school. This problem increases further in the rain. School Principal Nandram said that he has given a written application to the Basic Education Department. He said that many times water enters the classroom, due to which the class is affected. The village head and officials were informed about this problem, but the problem remains as it is. The responsible officer of the department, BSA Ajay Mishra has something else to say regarding the gross negligence of the administration in the problem of water logging in the school.

BSA officer made this claim

District BSA officer Ajay Mishra said that this does not happen often in the school, it has happened during the rainy season. The school was flooded due to choked drain, now the drain has been cleaned. There is no problem of water logging. However, even though the responsible officials of the Basic Education Department are claiming that the problem of water logging is over, but who can explain to the sir, when it rains again, then the condition of the same school will be reduced to three layers. In such a situation, not making any arrangement for a permanent solution is also raising questions on the education department.

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