Don’t forget to take constipation lightly…it can be a serious disease related to brain

Don’t forget to take constipation lightly…it can be a serious disease related to brain

Chronic Constipation Lead To Dementia: In today’s era, every second person is troubled by the problem of constipation. The reason behind this is bad eating habits and bad lifestyle. Earlier it was seen in the elderly, but today the youth are also in its grip. According to Ayurveda, if you are having bowel movements less than three times a week, then you have a serious problem of constipation. It should not be forgotten to take the problem of constipation lightly because it can affect your mental state badly.

due to constipation cognitive fall risk

In a new study, researchers have found that constipation is not only bad for your gut health but also for your cognitive Might be bad for work too. cognitive Work can affect a person’s mental abilities, including learning, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, decision making, remembering, and attention. According to a research shown in Amsterdam, due to constipation cognitive There is a 73% higher risk of a fall. Due to constipation, brain and body coordination can be affected. Having severe constipation can affect the mental state, due to which the risk of stress and depression and dementia also increases.

how to defend

Eating a healthy diet can go a long way in improving your bowel movements. Increase the amount of fiber in your diet by consuming vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, total fiber intake should be at least 25 grams per day. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Because staying hydrated enough softens the stool so that you can pass it without straining. Exercising at least a few times per week and managing stress can also help prevent constipation. People who have problems with constipation should avoid eating fried foods. The intake of tea and coffee should also be reduced.

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